68. Kenyon E.W. What Happened from the Cross to the Throne. 12th ed. Lynnwood, WA: Kenyon’s Gospel Publishing Society, 1969. 128 p.

69. Williams D. Revival: the Real Thing. 1995. 64 p.

70. Dahlgren C. Framg?ngsteologi i Sverige. Stockholm, 1985. 132 s.

71. Ekman U. Kraften i den nya skapelsen. Uppsala, 1987. 126 s.

72. Ekman U. Gud vil hela alla! Uppsala, 1988. 145 s.


73. Бюне В. Игра с огнем. Bielefeld: Christliche Literatur-Verbreitung, 1992. 320 с. 74. Дворкин А. Сектоведение: Тоталитарные секты. 3-е изд., перераб. и доп., Нижний Новгород, 2002. 813 с. 75. Ефимов И. Современное харизматическое движение сектантства. М., 1995. 319 с. 76. Зайбель А. Церковь Иисуса: неужели подвергнется обольщению в последнее время? М.: Благовестник, 1994. 240 с. 77. МакАртур Д. Ф. Харизматики. Киев: Компас, 1995. 240 с. 78. Adler K. William Branham: His Life and Teachings. Holbrook, N.Y.: Narrow Way Ministries, 1986. 321 p. 79. Barber T. X. Hypnotism, Imagination and Human Potentialities. N.Y.: Pergamon Press Inc., 1974. 345 p. 80. Belcham L. Toronto: the Baby or the Bathwater? Serious questions about the Toronto Blessing. Bromley, Ky.: Day One Publications, 1995. 64 p. 81. Bord R. J., Faulkner, J. E. The Catholic Charismatics: The Anatomy of a Modern Religious Movement. The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1983. 329 p. 82. Bristol C. The Magic of Believing. N.Y.: Prentice-Hall, 1948. 336 p. 83. Broden C. S.. Spirits in Rebellion. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1970. 235 p. 84. Cox H. Fire from Heaven: the Rise of Pentecostal Spirituality and the Reshaping of Religion in the Twenty-First Century. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994. 346 p. 85. Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements / ed. McGee. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1988. 634 p. 86. Dyck C. William Branham: The Man and His Message. Saskatoon: Western Tract Mission, 1984. 231 p. 87. Footprints on the Sands of Time / The autobiography of William Marrion Branham. Jeffersonville, Ind.: Spoken Word Publications, 1975. 632 p. 88. Goff J. R. Fields White Unto Harvest. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 1988. 322 p. 89. Goodwin J. Wimber the Gnostic: Testing the fruit of the Vineyards. St. Matthew Publishing Ltd., 1997. 67 p. 90. Gunstone J. Pentecostal Anglicans. London (Sydney, Auckland, Toronto), 1982. 236 p. 91. Hanegraaf H. Christianity in Crisis. Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 1993. 447 p. 92. Hanegraaf H. Counterfeit Revival. Dallas, Texas: Word Publishing, 1997. 376 p. 93. Harrel D. E., Jr. All Things Are Possible: The Healing and Charismatic Revivals in Modern America. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1975. 251 p. 94. Haville M. The Signs and Wonders Movement – Exposed / ed. P. Glover. Bromley, Ken.: Day One Publications, 1997. 64 p. 95. Hill C. Blessing the Church? A Review of the History and Direction of the Charismatic Movement/ Clifford Hill, Peter Fenwick, David Forbes, David Noakes. Guildford, Surrey: Eagle, 1995. 234 p. 96. Hunt D., McMahon T. A. The Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days. Eugene, Oreg.: Harvest House Publishers, 1985. 239 p. 97. Hunter C., F. Since Jesus Passed By. Van Nuys, CA: Time-Light Books, 1973. 233 p. 98. Jebb S. No Laughing Matter: The Toronto Phenomenon and its implications. Bromley, Ky.: Day One Publications, 1995. 64 p. 99. Knox R. A. Enthusiasm: A Chapter in the History of Religion. Oxford, 1962. 622 p.