Русская Православная Церковь и экуменического движение


Encyclical of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, 1920// The Ecumenical Review. Vol. XII. October. 1959. P. 79 — 82.


«Celui qui n’assemble pas avec moi disperse», sermon at St Peter’s Cathedral, 8 November 1967, on the occasion of the visit of the Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras. See G. Tsetsis, «L’Eglise orthodoxe et le mouvement oecumеnique»//Le monde relgieux. Vol. 32. L’oecumеnisme. 1975. P. 152.

137Actes de la Confеrence des Eglises autocеphales orthodoxes. Vol. II. Moscow. 1952. P. 450.138Eglise orthodoxe et mouvement oecumеnique//Episkepsis. № 369. December. 1986. P. 14 — 17.139The Ecumenical Nature of the Orthodox Witness: report of the New Valamo consultation. WCC. Geneva, 1977. P. 19.140Archbishop Iakovos. The Contribution of Eastern Orthodoxy to the Ecumenical Movement // The Ecumenical Review. Vol. XXI. July. 1959. P. 394 — 404.141The Orthodox Church in the Ecumenical Movement, Ed. Constantin Patelos / Geneva: WCC, 1978. P. 213.142Declaration of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the WCC Ed. Patriarchal Institute for Patristic Studies. Tessaloniki. 1973. P. 33.143Episkepsis. № 369. December. 1986. P.15.144Response of the Moscow Patriarchate to the Lima document; Tsetsis Georges. А Synthesis of Responses of Orthodox Churches to the Lima Document // Orthodoxes Forum. I. 1987. P. 110.145Episkepsis. № 369. December 1986. P. 14.146Episkepsis. № 369. December 1986. P. 14.147H. N. Bate ed., Faith and Order, Proceedings of the Lausanne Conference. London, SCM. 1927. P. 384.148See statement of Orthodox delegates at the Secind Assembly in Evanston (1954) // Patelos. Op. cit. P. 95.149Episkepsis. № 369. December. 1986. P. 15.150The Ecumenical Movement, from Amsterdam to Geneva (1948 — 1966), in The Welcome and the Speeches of Dr Visser `t Hooft and E. C. Blake at the University of Athens, 1967. P. 33.151Address by His Holiness Athenagoras I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople // The Ecumenical Review. Vol. XX. January. 1968. P. 87.152Reply of His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios I during his official visit to the WCC. December. 1987.153The Sofia Consultation/Ed. Todor Sabev, Geneva: WCC, 1982. P. 41.154Ср. выражение hypotagй tes homologias в 2 Кор. 9,13. Слово koinonia употреблено в этом контексте.155The First Assembly of the World Couneil of Churches, Amsterdam, 1948. Vol. V. SCM Press, London. P. 69.156См.: Василий Великий. Творения. Т. 3, СПб. С. 138.157См.: Правила Православной Церкви с толкованиями Никодима, епископа Далматинско–Истрийского. Перевод с сербского. Т. 1. СПб., 1911. С. 208.158Там же. С. 209.159Сократ Схоластик. Церковная история. СПб., 1850. С. 101.160