St. Luka (VoinoYasenetsky)

And young people with still immature minds and scant knowledge of life easily perceive other people's opinions and submit to political leaders, spiritual leaders, and live by their minds, and not by their own.

Saul became an enemy of Christ under the intellectual and moral influence of Rabbi Gamaliel, but the miraculous calling to a new path of life from the Lord Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus made him a great friend of Christ – the Apostle Paul, for this Divine calling had immeasurably greater power than the education and lessons of Gamaliel.

And the second thing to which I would like to draw your attention is the immeasurable goodness and mercy of God, the lightness and mercy of God that were manifested to the great Apostle Peter, who denied his Divine Teacher three times in the court of Pontius Pilate, and the forgetfulness and forgiveness of the malice and hatred of the young Saul towards all who believed in Christ.

May this also be a precious example for us, may we also live in the hope of the forgiveness of our sins, if we love Christ God with all our hearts.

And may the prayers of the Chief Apostles Peter and Paul help us in this and strengthen our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ with His Eternal Father and the Most Holy Spirit.





The enemy of our salvation, the devil, especially hates the two most important commandments of Christ – about humility and obedience – and with all his might he pushes weak Christians onto the path of self-will and pride, and especially teaches them to despise the canons and decrees of the Ecumenical and Local Councils and to put the authority of the great fathers and teachers of the Church in no way.

These advice of their enemy is eagerly listened to by those who have broken ties with the Catholic and Apostolic Church: the Lutherans, the Protestants who have divided into many communities, and our sectarians – Baptists, Evangelists, Adventists – who have come from among the Lutherans. All of them understand and interpret the Holy Scriptures in their own way. And each community and sect considers its own understanding to be the only correct one.

But the truth is one, just as the body of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is one, and Her Head is one, our Lord and God Jesus Christ.