Yuri Maksimov

Let's imagine that a story describes the life of an engineer. Then it is mentioned that he is the father of the family. And so, some reader will be indignant: "Well, how can he be a father, if on the previous page it is clearly stated that he is an engineer?" So for the God-Man Christ it is just as natural that He is both God and man.

Christianity proclaims the great miracle of God – the true incarnation of God. God did not put on the mask of man, did not play the role of man, as in the ancient drama, but, without ceasing to be God, took on human nature and freed it from all shortcomings, flaws and distortions – brought it to full perfection, raised it to the supernatural level. And now we can connect with this renewed nature and heal our own, distorted by the consequences of Adam's original sin and affected by personal sins.

One of the key differences in the understanding of the personhood of God is the Christian view of God as love (1 John 4:8). "God is a perfect person, therefore He is perfect love,"50 wrote St. Nicholas of Serbia. We know love in this, that He laid down His life for us (1 John 3:16).

Thus, for Christians, Jesus Christ is not a "teacher of morality" or a "mere prophet," but the eternal God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. His kingdom is the kingdom of all ages, and his dominion is in every kind. He is our Lord, as our Redeemer and Head of the Church. Jesus is called the Only-begotten, because. only He is born of the essence of the Father, unlike the other children of God (men and angels). They have a different nature from the Father and become children by adoption through Christ.

The name Jesus means Savior. He saved people from sin, damnation and death. As we remember, the first people, Adam and Eve, fell away from God by committing a sin. As a result, human nature itself has been corrupted.

And so, in His mercy, the Lord Himself intercedes for His creation. Three barriers stood before Him. The first of these is the gulf between the divine and human natures. For it was said to Moses, "Man cannot see Me and live" (Exodus 33:20).

The second obstacle is sin, which cannot be ignored by the Holy God. After all, the Righteous Creator cannot leave a crime unpunished.

And the third obstacle is death, which destroys human nature.

And now the Lord Jesus Christ comes to destroy these barriers, to save man and to make him a god by grace.

The Eternal Son receives flesh from the Virgin Mary, Who was able to give birth to Him without the participation of a man by the power of the Life-Giving Spirit. The one Person of the Son of God begins to exist in two natures, united unmerged, unchanging, inseparable, inseparable. So Christ, while remaining perfect God, became a perfect Man, having a human soul, mind, and will. He did not have only original sin, and He Himself did not do any evil. Thus, through the Incarnation, the first obstacle was overcome – the difference of natures. Both essences, without destroying each other, have been united in One Divine Person, and now, through Christ, we have access to the Father.

Christ came into the world and gave a new law, the law of love, but His main work was to deliver people from evil and sin, and for this death was necessary. After all, life can only be bought at the cost of life. And so Jesus Christ, in order to destroy the barrier of sin, voluntarily takes upon Himself the sins of the whole world. The innocent Righteous One dies for the guilty, takes upon Himself their punishment and curse. His blood becomes a ransom for our sins. He gives blood for blood, soul for soul, body for body, and thus the Truth of God is poured into our hearts. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His wound we were healed, Isaiah 53:5.

He corrects the ancient disobedience of Adam, being obedient to the Father unto death, and death on the cross, shameful, terrible, painful. The Lord becomes the new Adam, the progenitor of redeemed humanity.

As the first man introduced death into the world, so Christ gave eternal life. Instead of the tree of knowledge, there is the Cross, which has become a sign of our victory and salvation. And thus the Justice of God appeared, for it was not just God who defeated the enemy Satan, but Man. The same nature that was taken captive in paradise won on the Cross.