Kniga Nr1055


The New Age is an old lie, leading to the same impasse that Adam and Eve entered. We're all going to die, so what will we say before God? The supporters of the New Age believe that their deeds, in accordance with the law of karma, will someday justify them - they hope. A Christian has confidence in salvation in Christ. We do not hope to get it, we know (1 John 5:13). In short, the Modern Age depicts a hopeless situation leading millions of people to a Christless eternity. Only the knowledge of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ can help the supporter of the New Age to come to the truth.

Counsel to Those Who Bear Witness to Christ

We have come to the conclusion that the diversity of directions within the New Age makes it incredible that you will be aware of all the theories of the person you may encounter. An adherent of the New Age will peremptorily expound his knowledge to you. You will have to ask him what makes his arguments credible. Therefore, let him speak. The more he talks, the more comments you can write down or make in your mind. As you ask questions, pray the Holy Ghost to guide you and help you ask consistent and correct questions. A person always designates the source of his knowledge ("I have read... I experienced it... My inner voice told me... I saw a deceased relative... etc."). This happens when you begin to show the reliability of the Bible as opposed to untrustworthy sources. We know what makes the testimony of the Bible true—God has left it for us. We need to test all the knowledge of the adherent of the Modern Age by an objective criterion, such as the Bible. Begin with solid evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ as a verifiable and trustworthy event (see "Undeniable Evidence"). If he objects to the biblical evidence, give him his homework and let him try to refute it. Set up a meeting and continue your discussion next week to see how he is doing. Always define the terms you use when talking to a New Age adherent. Ask him what he means by a particular word, and use the mismatch of your definitions in a conversation with him. This will resolve communication difficulties from the very beginning. Try to get this person to read the modern translation of the Bible with you. Such people seem to like to build mystical interpretations around the archaic style of the King James Bible. If you give him a modern translation of the Bible, he will probably actually begin to understand and appreciate the Word of God.

16. Theosophy

The Theosophical Society is the primary source of the New Age Movement. His teachings were developed in all small cults of the Modern Age.


"Theosophy" literally means "divine wisdom." The modern Theosophical movement was founded in 1875 by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Divine wisdom, according to Theosophists, can be found in all religions:

"We want to prove that at the basis of every widespread religion there was one and the same ancient wise teaching, one and only, professed and tested by the initiates of each country, who knew of its existence and significance. At present the elucidation of its origin and the exact course of its development is beyond human capacity" (A. P. Sinnett, "The Purpose of Theosophy," Boston, 1888, p.

A Theosophist can be an adherent of any religion he wishes, for in each there is truth. However, this did not prevent Madame Blavatsky from hating organized Christianity:

"It is practiced in such an intolerant and dogmatic manner, especially in our day, that Christianity is now a religion of arrogance, of sheer superiority, a means to its ends, the easiest way to achieve wealth, to deceive and to gain power; a convenient screen for hypocrisy" (H.P. Blavatsky, "A Study of Occultism", p. 138).