Kniga Nr1055

Counsel to Those Who Bear Witness to Christ

In witnessing to a member of any cult, we should never forget to pray before meeting him. It may look like a battle in the intellectual realm or maybe in the realm of emotions, but there will be a more intense spiritual scramble behind it all. You cannot expect to win the spiritual battle in the flesh (1 Sam. 17:47). The spiritual battle may become more intense if you are dealing with a person who practices the occult, such as Theosophy. Every experienced evangelist will confirm that without great preliminary prayers, the words will lose all power. And we must follow that recommendation.

17. Forum/OSE

Although religion is not in the first place in the Forum's system of views (it has no worship), it nevertheless recognizes Zen Buddhism and rejects the basic tenets of the historical Christian faith. He talks about his compatibility with Jesus Christ and Christianity, and should be placed among the cults of the New Age because of his method of self-transformation.


"- But don't get me wrong, I don't think the world needs OSEs; I don't think the world needs anything; The world already exists and it is perfect. - If no one needs it, then why are you doing it? "I'm doing it because I'm doing it, because that's what I'm doing." (Adam Smith "Powers of the Mind, Part 11: The est Experience". New York, September 29, 1975, p. 284).

The announcement was made by former used car salesman John Paul Rosenberg, now known as Kerner Erhard, founder and director of the Forum (formerly OSE, Erhard Training Seminars. The Forum is one of America's fastest-growing groups in the New Age/Human Opportunity movement. Thousands of people, including well-known public figures, are fervent testimony to the transformative impact of the Forum. Dr. Herbert Genscher, Professor of Psychology at Temple University, called the Forum/OSE "one of the most powerful therapeutic experiences ever invented" (Adelaide, est: 60 Hours That Transform Your Life, New York: Avon, 1976, p. 200). Songwriter and performer John Denver said of his participation in the OSE, "It's the single most meaningful experience of my life" (Newsweek, Dec. 20, 1976). In the past, Erhard (or Rosenberg) moved in the religious merry-go-round of scientology, Zen Buddhism, yoga, hypnosis, Silva Michael Control, and other religious movements, until in 1971 he introduced the world of OSE (Kerner, Erhard - Interview with the Founder of OSE E, Part 1, Journal of New Times No 7, 15 sects, 1975, pp. 18-20). The most recent event in history was Erhard's resignation as head of the forum at the end of 1991. After a series of critical publications in the media and negative publicity in society, he sold his shares to the executive staff of the organization. Some reporters linked the open attacks on Erhard to investigators hired by the Church of Science (Los Angeles Times, December 29, 1991).

What is the Forum?