Kniga Nr1055

- Unity Church - and other popular groups.

This brief overview contains the information you need to be alert and prepared to meet these groups. "Deceivers" will show you...

- Как они отличаются от библейского христианства

- Как они приманивают своих членов

- Как вы можете привести их к пониманию правды об Иисусе Христе.

Джош Макдауэлл - известный во всем мире проповедник и представитель организации Кэмпус Крусейд фор Крайст. Он закончил Талботскую Teoлoгическую Семинарию и является членом двух почетных обществ. Наиболее известные книги Джоша Макдауэлла - "Неоспоримые свидетельства" и "Иисус".

Дон Стюарт окончил Талботскую теологическую Семинарию. Несколько книг написал в соавторстве с Джошем Макдауэллом.

Why did this book appear?

Over the years, we have been repeatedly asked to write a book about various things opposed to Christianity: cults, non-Christian religions, secular religions, and the occult. This book is an expanded and revised edition of our earlier work, Understanding the Cults.

Often, when we affirm the uniqueness and finality of the Christian faith, we have to respond to the challenge of people of other religious convictions. They are trying to prove that Christianity is compatible with other religions and cults and that we should not emphasize the uniqueness of Jesus Christ, who is the only way by which man can know the truth and the living God.

This book demonstrates the incompatibility of Christianity with cults, and the Handbook of Modern Religions proves the same with regard to non-Christian religions, secular religions, and the occult. That is why we have titled this book "Deceivers". We don't mean to say that the founders of these groups are deliberately deceiving people. Perhaps some of them sincerely wanted to find the truth, but ended up playing in Satan's sideshows.

It should also be noted that it was not Christianity that attacked cult superstitions, but rather cults that tried to attack Christianity. The result of this has been that orthodox Christianity has been forced to take a defensive stance, presenting its truth as a weapon in the battle against the various deviations that the cults want to present as historical Christian doctrine.