The Evangelist or the Commentary of Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria, on the Holy Gospel

It is not out of emulation or envy that the son of thunder forbids that man to cast out demons, but desires that all those who call on the name of Christ should follow Christ, and that all the disciples should form one body. At the beginning of the Gospel preaching, it happened that some, impelled by the passion of love of glory, desired to perform signs; but seeing how powerful the name of Jesus was, they called upon it, and thus performed signs, although they were strangers and unworthy of the grace of God. For it pleased the Lord that the preaching should be spread also through the unworthy. What about the Saviour? He did not allow John to rebuke the one who performed the signs: "Do not rebuke him," he says, "for no one who has done a miracle in My name can quickly curse Me." That is, how will he curse Me who by My name gains glory for himself and by calling upon Me performs miracles? Apparently, the Lord contradicts Himself, for in another place He says: "He who is not with Me is against Me." But these words are spoken about demons who try to distract those who exist from God and scatter God's inheritance, and here we are talking about people who are led to God through others who work miracles.

And whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in my name, because you are Christ's, verily I say unto you, shall not lose his reward. And whoever offends one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and thrown into the sea.

Not only do I, he says, forbid him who performs miracles in My name, but whoever gives you anything even the least for My sake, and not for the sake of the people of the world, he shall not be deprived of his reward. And he spoke about the cup of water, referring to people who excuse themselves with poverty. If, he says, you also give a cup of water, and nothing can be less than this, and it will not be lost with you. Thus, if you honor one of the little ones, then you will please God; If you offend one of the little ones, then you have sinned: it would be better to hang a millstone around your neck. By this he expresses that in such a case we will be subjected to the heaviest punishment. The Lord indicated sensual torment in order to frighten us with this visible example.

And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than to go with two hands into hell, into the unquenchable fire, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life lame, than to be cast into hell with two feet, into the unquenchable fire, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. And if thy eye offends thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than to be cast into hell with two eyes, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt. Salt is a good thing; but if the salt is not salty, how will you correct it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace among yourselves.

Having made such a threat against the seducers that it would be better for them to be cast into the sea, the Lord now teaches those who are offended to beware of people who are ready to seduce and lead them astray from the path of truth. If your foot, or hand, or eye offend you, that is, if he who offends and stumbles in the work of salvation from among your household, or from among your neighbors in the flesh, cut him off, that is, reject love for him and friendship. And the worm and the fire that torment sinners are the conscience of everyone and the remembrance of the abominable deeds committed in this life. It bites like a worm and burns like fire. "Everyone," he says, "will be salted with fire," that is, he will be tempted, just as Paul says that all things will be tempted by fire (1 Corinthians 3:13). "And every salt sacrifice shall be salted" – Jesus quoted these words from the book of Leviticus (2:13). Therefore, we must salt our sacrifices with the salt of God, that is, offer sacrifices that are not stunted and weak, but strong and healthy. The Lord calls the Apostles by salt, and in general those who have a protective and astringent power. For just as salt protects meat and prevents worms from germinating in it, so the word of the teacher, if it is strong and viscous, restraining people from carnal passions, does not give place in them to the ever-sleeping worm. But if the teacher himself is without salt and does not have in himself the stimulating and astringent power, then with what will he be salted, that is, will he be corrected? Therefore, have salt in yourselves, that is, the strengthening and binding grace of the Spirit, so that you may be at peace with each other, being bound to the neighborly union of love. This is what it means to have salt, and this is why the words are spoken: Have peace with your neighbors. Of such Solomon said: "There are many horses in Pharaoh's chariot," and so on.

Chapter Ten

Departing from thence, he came to the borders of Judea beyond the Jordan side. Again the people gathered to Him according to His custom, He again taught them. The Pharisees came and asked, tempting Him, "Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?" And he answered and said unto them, What hath Moses commanded you? They said, "Moses has allowed the bill of divorce to be written, and to be divorced. Jesus answered and said to them, "Because of the hardness of your heart, he has written this commandment for you." In the beginning of creation, God created them male and female (Gen. 1:27). Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and the two shall be one flesh; so that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man put asunder.

The Lord often left Judea because of the hatred of the Pharisees for Him. But now He comes to Judea again, because the time of His sufferings was approaching. However, He does not go directly to Jerusalem, but at first only "to the borders of the Jews," in order to benefit the people who are not malicious; while Jerusalem, through the wickedness of the Jews, was the center of all wickedness. And see how they tempt the Lord in their wickedness, not tolerating that the people should believe in Him, but each time approaching Him with the intention of putting Him in difficulty and restraining Him with their questions. They put to Him a question that put Him between two abysses: Is it lawful, they say, for a man to let his wife go from him? For whether He would say that it was lawful, or whether He would say that it was impermissible, at any rate they thought to accuse Him of contradicting the Law of Moses. But Christ, the Self-existent Wisdom, answers them in such a way that He avoids their snares. He asked them, "What did Moses command them?" And when they answered that Moses commanded to let his wife go, Christ explained to them the Law itself. Moses, He says, was not so unmerciful as to be able to give such a Law, but he wrote it because of your hardness of heart. Knowing the inhumanity of the Jews, such that a husband who did not love his wife could easily kill her, Moses allowed the husband to let his wife go unloved. But from the beginning it was not so: God unites two persons in the union of matrimony, so that they are one, leaving even their parents. Note that the Lord says: God does not permit polygamy, so that one wife may be let go and another may be taken, and then leave this one again, and marry another. If it were pleasing to God, then He would create one man, and many wives; but it did not happen in this way, but "God created man and woman" so that they would be united – one husband with one wife. In a figurative sense, it can be understood as follows: the word of teaching, sowing good seeds into the soul of a believer, has the meaning of a man for the soul that receives it. But he leaves (the word of teaching) his father, that is, his lofty mind, and his mother, that is, adorned speech, and clings to his wife, that is, to the benefit of the soul, adapts himself to her, and often prefers low thoughts and simple speech. And then they both become one flesh, that is, the soul believes that "the Word (of God) has become flesh," and no human thought can separate the soul from such faith.

In the house His disciples again asked Him about the same thing. He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery with her; and if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.

Так как и ученики соблазнялись (касательно развода мужа и жены), то и они приступают к Нему и спрашивают о том же. Их образ мыслей еще не совершенно был здрав. Господь отвечал им: кто отпустит жену свою и поймет другую, тот становится прелюбодеем с этой второй женой; так же и жена, оставившая своего мужа и сочетавшаяся с другим, делается прелюбодейкой.

Приносили к Нему детей, чтобы Он прикоснулся к ним; ученики же не допускали приносящих. Увидев то, Иисус вознегодовал и сказал им: пустите детей приходить ко Мне и не препятствуйте им, ибо таковых есть Царствие Божие. Истинно говорю вам: кто не примет Царствия Божия, как дитя, тот не войдет в него. И, обняв их, возложил руки на них и благословил их.

Велика была вера в народе, когда он одно возложение Христом рук принял как благословение для приводимых к Нему детей, А ученики не допускали приводящих, думая, что это недостойно Его. Что же Христос? Научая учеников смиренномудрствовать и отвергать мирское надмение, Он принимает и обнимает детей. Сим Он показывает, что приемлет незлобливых; потому и говорит: «ибо таковых есть Царствие Божие». Заметь, не сказал: сих детей «есть Царствие», но «таковых», то есть стяжавших такое же незлобие, какое дети имеют по природе. Ибо дитя не завидует, не помнит зла и, будучи наказуем матерью, не бежит от нее, но хотя бы и рубище она носила, предпочитает ее царице; так и добродетельно живущий предпочитает мать свою, разумею Церковь, всему и не увлекается житейскими наслаждениями. За то Господь и обнимает таких, говоря: «Приидите ко Мне все труждающиеся и обремененные», и благословляет их, говоря: «Приидите благословенные Отца Моего». Царством же Божиим называет здесь проповедь Евангелия и обещание будущих благ. Итак, кто примет проповедь Божественную как дитя, то есть, нисколько не раздумывая и не допуская в себе неверия, тот войдет в Царство Божие и наследует те блага, которые уже приобрел верою.

Когда выходил Он в путь, подбежал некто, пал перед Ним на колени и спросил Его: Учитель благий! что мне делать, чтобы наследовать жизнь вечную? Иисус сказал ему: что ты называешь Меня благим? Никто не благ, как только один Бог. Знаешь заповеди: не прелюбодействуй, не убивай, не кради, не лжесвидетельствуй, не обижай, почитай отца твоего и мать (Исх. 20, 12-17). Он же сказал Ему в ответ: Учитель! всё это сохранил я от юности моей. Иисус, взглянув на него, полюбил его и сказал ему: одного тебе не достает: пойди, всё, что имеешь, продай и раздай нищим, и будешь иметь сокровище на небесах; и приходи, последуй за Мною, взяв крест. Он же, смутившись от сего слова, отошел с печалью, потому что у него было большое имение.

Некоторые ложно представляют сего юношу как хитрого и коварного искусителя. Это не так: он был только человек любостяжательный, а не искуситель. Ибо послушай, что замечает евангелист: «Иисус, взглянув на него, полюбил его». А почему Христос отвечал ему так: «Никто не благ»? Потому что тот подошел к Христу, как к простому человеку и как одному из многих учителей. Христос как бы так говорит: Если ты почитаешь Меня благим, как простого учителя, то в сравнении с Богом ни один человек не благ; если признаешь Меня благим, как Бога, то для чего называешь Меня только учителем? Такими словами Христос хочет подать высшую мысль о Себе, чтобы тот познал Его как Бога. Кроме того, для исправления же юноши, Господь дает ему и другой урок: если он хочет с кем-либо беседовать, то говорить должен без лести, а корень и источник благости знать один – Бога и Ему воздавать подобающую честь. Впрочем, я удивляюсь сему юноше в том, что, когда все другие приходили к Христу за исцелением от болезней, он сам просит о наследовании жизни вечной, – если б только он не был одержим еще сильнейшей в нем страстью сребролюбия. По сей-то страсти, услышав слова Господа: Иди, продай и раздай нищим, он «отошел с печалью». Заметь при сем, что Господь не сказал: продай по частям, что имеешь и раздай, а продай за один раз и раздай, но только нищим, а не ласкателям и не развратникам; потом: «последуй за Мною», то есть усвой и всякую другую добродетель, Ибо много таких, которые хотя и не стяжательны, но не смиренны, или и смиренны, но не трезвы, или имеют другой какой-либо порок. Поэтому и Господь не говорит только: «продай и раздай нищим», но: «и приходи, последуй за Мною, взяв крест», что значит быть готовым на смерть ради Него. «Он же, смутившись от сего слова, отошел с печалью, потому что у него было большое имение». Не напрасно присовокуплено, что он много имел: ибо и малым владеть и худо и опасно, а узы многих стяжаний и вовсе неразрешимы. Но тот, что юн по духу, легкомыслен, невнимателен мыслью, не устроен разумом, пусть так же продаст имение свое, как-то: гнев и похоть, со всем тем, что от них прозябает, и отдаст, бросит бесам, которые суть нищи, лишены всякого блага и богатства, потому что отпали от благости Божией, и потом да последует Христу, Ибо тот только может последовать Христу, кто отвергнет богатство грехов, которое есть достояние бесов. Уклонися, сказано, от зла: это значит бросить греховное богатство нищим, то есть силам бесовским; – «и сотвори благо»: что значит последовать Христу и взять Крест Его.