The Evangelist or the Commentary of Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria, on the Holy Gospel

But when he thought this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said.

Why did not the Virgin, who had previously heard the gospel from the Angel, reveal it to him, and, seeing the betrothed in confusion, did not resolve his perplexity? Why did not the angel speak to Joseph before he was troubled? Why did you not speak, you say? So that Joseph would not reveal his unbelief and the same thing would not happen to him as to Zachariah. It is not difficult to believe a deed when it is already before your eyes. For the same reason the Virgin was silent, for she thought that she would not convince the bridegroom by telling him about the extraordinary deed, but on the contrary, she would grieve him more, giving the idea that she was covering up the crime committed. If She Herself, when She was to receive a little grace, judges in a human way and says: "How shall this be, since I know no man" (Luke 1:34), then Joseph would have doubted much more, especially when he would have heard about it from the suspected wife. Therefore, the Virgin did not announce to him, and when circumstances demanded, an angel appeared. "But while he was thinking this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream." Do you notice your husband's modesty? Not only did he not punish, but he did not tell anyone, not even the suspect herself, but only thought with himself! And it is not said that he wanted to cast her out, but to let her go, so meek, merciful, and kind-hearted was he!

Question: But why did the Angel come to Joseph not in reality, as He appeared to the shepherds, Zechariah, and the Virgin?

Answer: Because Joseph had a lot of faith and did not need such a manifestation. For the Virgin, an extraordinary appearance was needed before the event, because what was preached was very important – more important than what was announced to Zechariah; and the pastors were simple people and therefore had need of a more obvious manifestation. But Joseph, as a prudent man, was ready for faith, and if only someone had appeared and instructed him, he would have easily accepted the revelation, and therefore the angel appeared to him in a dream.

Joseph, son of David! do not be afraid to receive Mary your wife.

He immediately brought to his mind David, from whom Christ was to come, and did not allow him to remain in confusion, reminding him by the name of his ancestors of the promise given to the whole family. By saying, "Do not be afraid," he shows that Joseph was afraid to offend God by keeping an adulterous woman in the house, as it were. Having pronounced the name of the Virgin Mary, the Angel did not stop there, but added: "thy wife." By this name he would not have called Her, if Her virginity had been corrupted. And here he calls the betrothed woman a wife. What does it mean to "accept"? That is, to keep her in her house, for Joseph had already mentally dismissed the Virgin. Her, says the Angel, is entrusted to you by God, and not by your parents, but not for marriage, but to live with Her, He entrusts it, announcing it through me. As Christ afterwards entrusted Her to His disciple, so now She is entrusted to Joseph. For, he says, she is not only pure from lawless confusion, but she also conceived in the womb supernaturally. Therefore, not only put aside fear, but also rejoice. For that which is born in Her is of the Holy Spirit. A wondrous work, which surpasses human understanding and surpasses the laws of nature!

Question: How can a man who does not know these things be convinced?

Answer: By the discovery of the past, says the Angel. For this he discovered all that was going on in his mind, by which he was perplexed, what he feared, and what he had resolved to do, in order that through this he might also assure him of this, or rather, assure him not only of the past, but also of those who are to be after this.

And he shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus.

Since "that which is born is of the Holy Spirit," do not think that you are excluded from service at His incarnation. Though thou hast no part in the birth, yet I give thee the privilege of giving a name to the one to be born, thou shalt "give the name" of the Infant. Though he is not thy son, thou shalt be to him in the place of his father. Then, lest anyone conclude from this that Joseph is a father, listen to the caution with which the angel says further: "And he shall bear a son." He did not say, "He will give birth to you," but expressed himself vaguely, "He will give birth." For Mary gave birth not only to him, but to the whole universe. For this reason the name was brought by the Angel from heaven, indicating the divine nature, for even before birth the Angel announces in this name the blessings that will be granted to those who are born to the whole world.