Prot. Evgeny Popov

Frequent Invocation of the Name of God or of the Saints Not from the Heart 34

Frequent Mention of the Enemy of God in Conversation 35

The Name of an Animal by a Human Name, Which Originally Derives from the Name of a Saint 37

Choosing Names for Newborns by a Pleasant Sound or for the Sake of Frequent Use of These Names by Others 38

Sins Concerning Zeal for the Glory of God 39

The Story of False Visions of God 39

The False Glorification of Miraculous Icons 40

Refusal of any assistance or assistance in the case of the conversion of a non-believer or schismatic 41

Non-Acceptance of Possible Participation in an Orthodox Missionary Society or in a Christian Brotherhood 41

Direct Opposition to the Baptism or Joining of Whom, and to the Orthodox Mission in General

The Vain Refusal to Be the Receiver of Someone from the Font 43

On the Glorification of the Name of God in Church Services 43

Indignation of the Spirit in Yourself or in Others Before Going to Church 43

The Proud Entry into the Church of God and the Same Departure from It 44

Late Coming to Church or Leaving It Early 45

Idle Conversations in Church During the Service 46

Attention Bored for Service 46

Disorderly Reading or Singing in Church 47

Honor God with Your Word

The first manifestation of our soul is the gift of speech. Therefore, the inner worship of God: faith (it relates primarily to the mind and constitutes the content of the first commandment of God), hope and love (relate to the heart and will, and constitute the subject of the second commandment)—inner worship of God, of course, must also be expressed in our word, which can be "oral, written, and printed." And this is what the third commandment of the Decalogue requires of us! Everything that relates to the verbal worship of God and His saints, and which constitutes an insult to Him and the saints by our word, as well as to the glorification or blasphemy of the divine and sacred in the same way, all this enters into the domain of the third commandment, in the first case as its fulfillment, and in the second as a violation. And so

Sins Against the Majesty of God and the Dignity of the Saints
