Pitanov V.Y.

33 Ibidem. P.230.

34Lossky V.N. Dogmatic Theology. Essay on the Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church. Dogmatic Theology. Moscow, SEI. 1991. P.244.

35 Prot. Liverius Voronov. Dogmatic Theology. Wedge. Christian Life Foundation. 2002. P.46.

36 The Works of St. John of Damascus. An accurate exposition of the Orthodox faith. Book II., ch. XXX / Source of knowledge. Moscow, Indrik. 2002. P.231-232.

37 St. John of Damascus. An accurate exposition of the Orthodox faith. Book II., Chapter XXIX On Providence. / The Works of St. John of Damascus. Source of knowledge. Moscow, Indrik. 2002. P.230.

38 Ibidem. P.231.

39 Philosophical Dictionary. Moscow, Respublika. 2001. P.411.

40 Lossky V.N. Essay on the mystical theology of the Eastern Church. Essay on the Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church. Dogmatic Theology. Moscow, SEI Publ., 1991. P.87.



