Pitanov V.Y.

13 Lossky N.O. Uchenie o perevozhdenii [Doctrine of reincarnation]. Intuitionism. Moscow, Progress. VTA. 1992. P.98.

14 Hinduism. Jainism. Sikhism. Dictionary. Moscow, Respublika Publ., 1996. P.230.

15 Sovremennyi slovar' inostrannykh slov [Modern Dictionary of Foreign Words Moscow, Citadel-Trade Publ., 2002. P.655.

16 Hinduism. Jainism. Sikhism. Dictionary. Moscow, Respublika Publ., 1996. P.390.

17 Brahman is the supreme absolute reality, the basis of all existence, the impersonal deity.

18 Bhagavan is an epithet of God, in Hinduism it is used mainly in relation to Vishnu and Shiva.

19 A Brief Guide to World Religions. Edited by Dean Halverzon. St. Petersburg, Shandal. 2000. P.103.

20 Letters of Helena Roerich.1929-1938. Minsk, 1992, vol.2, p.31.

21 See: Deacon Andrei Kuraev. Satanism for the intelligentsia. In 2 volumes. Moscow, Moscow Metochion of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavry, Izd. Father's house. 1997.

22 Klizovsky A. Osnovy miroponimaniya novoi epochi [Fundamentals of the world understanding of the new era]. Magnitogorsk, Amrita-Ural., 1994. P.120.

23 Ibidem. Pp. 126-127.

24 Christianity. Encyclopedic Dictionary. Moscow, Bolshaya Rossiyskaya Entsiklopediya Publ., 1995. Vol.1, P.530.

25 Geisler Norman L. Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics. St. Petersburg, The Bible for All. 2004. P.816.

26 Ibidem. P.816.

27 Ibidem. P.817.

28 St. John of Damascus. An accurate exposition of the Orthodox faith. Book II., Chapter XXIX On Providence. / The Works of St. John of Damascus. Source of knowledge. Moscow, Indrik. 2002. P.228.

29 Archimandrite Alypy (Kastalsky-Borozdin), Archimandrite Isaiah (Belov).

Dogmatic Theology. Holy Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, 1998. P.254.

30 Lossky V.N. Dogmatic Theology. Essay on the Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church. Dogmatic Theology. Moscow, SEI Publ., 1991. P.242.

31 St. John of Damascus. An accurate exposition of the Orthodox faith. Book II., Chapter XXIX On Providence. / The Works of St. John of Damascus. Source of knowledge. Moscow, Indrik. 2002. P.229.

32 Ibidem. P.230.