Pitanov V.Y.

Mrs. Srivastavu quotes the opinion of Mrs. Srivastavu about the Jews without any comment: "The Jews refused to agree with Christ. They said, "We will not agree with Christ, we must suffer." They have suffered, suffered and suffered, and as a result they got Mr. Hitler, they are now becoming Hitlers themselves. You can imagine that the misconception that it was necessary to suffer led to the birth of Hitler in order to satisfy their desire."94

The founder of Sahaja Yoga clearly cultivates megalomania in her followers. Despite the fact that, as Mrs. Srivastavu writes, "... Sometimes Sahaja Yogis will even make mistakes..."95 Its main message to her disciples is different: "... You must believe that you have gone beyond your human personality and have now become a superman. First of all, this faith must come to you. That's what we call faith. That belief is not false faith, it's not blind faith when you just believe in something. But this is a fact"96; «… By starting to practice Sahaja Yoga, one rises so high above others and his prudence becomes so perfect that neither the media, nor television, nor entrepreneurs, nor false teachers, nor misleading methods, nothing can lead him astray. He becomes powerful, free, holy, leading an angelic life"97; «… The Sahaja Yogi, as soon as his inner religion is awakened, becomes a man in whom poise and wisdom are an integral part of his essence, so that he can never think of committing a sin or of being self-willed, of making someone unhappy or of killing someone."98 "All these people (Sahajists. – V.P.) profess a religion called Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, which means "the natural pure religion within us." These people received true enlightenment. They experienced true baptism because they feel the cool breeze when the Kundalini breaks through the fontanelle, and as a result they became religious, saints, yogis, yoginis, and seers. They are not like ordinary people who have not entered this new, fourth dimension of awareness and have not asserted themselves."99 "As his collective consciousness improves, the Sahaja Yogi becomes very objectively aware of the blindness of the people around him... He is bound by the bonds of a truly spiritual religion and is no longer like other people who claim to profess a religion, but who can commit any sin against their own religion."100 Well, not so long ago there was a whole state of supermen (the Third Reich), but, as you know, a holy place is never empty, apparently, new supermen began to be born. In general, Nietzsche's ideas live and flourish.

The founder of Sahaja Yoga, probably fearing accusations from critics, insists that she does not take money for spiritual realization: "Sahaja Yogis should never worry about money because we don't take money for our spiritual work and always condemn people who take it under the name of God. Remember that we are in the kingdom of God and that it cares for all our needs. You will see for yourself when you see that every time you do some work for Sahaja Yoga, money will somehow come to you. Not in some illegal way, not under pressure, but in a very miraculous way."101 However, if the readers think that ordinary Sahajis are not interested in their participation in Sahaja Yoga, they are deeply mistaken: "Money can be charged for books, magazines, audio and video cassettes, rings, pendants, medals, badges, for seminars and tours. Money cannot be charged for treatment and self-realization. Leaders can be paid for travel if leaders are not working. Teachers and school principals should be paid authorized salaries."102

In Sahaja Yoga, one can also find outright intimidation of its members: "... If Sahaja Yoga does not spread, a third world war is inevitable and people will suffer greatly from it."103 One of the favorite methods used by sects is to indoctrinate members of sects with phobias.104 For example, Jehovah's Witnesses have intimidated their followers by appointing the end of the world many times before. True, it has not yet come, but the leadership of the sect is not very embarrassed by this.105 As we can see, Mrs. Srivastavu also does not disdain to resort to such a psychological technique and is engaged in banal intimidation of her followers. If this is not the case, it will be interesting to know from the Sahajis how they react to the above information about the Third World War? Do you feel delight or fear?

The author of the article, as a person who is engaged in critical analysis of Sahaja Yoga, was especially interested to know Nirmala Srivastava's opinion about the critics. And this is what he learned: "All deceitful people, of course, are afraid to face the truth because Sahaja Yoga is against their interests. They reject Sahaja Yoga and violently oppose it"106; "Protect yourself from negative forces and negative people, as they feel challenged. Because they live in a lie all the time, they get angry with you and try to harm you."107 As we can see, before seeing the critics and not reading their works, Mrs. Srivastavu already knows in advance that they are deceitful, live in lies and are afraid to face the truth. Not speaking on behalf of other critics, but only on his own, the author of this article is ready for a public polemic with any Sahajist: it will show who is "living in a lie". Speaking about the critics, Mrs. Srivastavu continues: "... A Sahaja Yogi should be lenient to all criticism and know that they are like blind men talking about an elephant and leading everyone into darkness."108 Probably, an uncritical attitude towards her system is more to Mrs. Srivastava's heart. And what about her call to science when you get to know Sahaja Yoga? Or were her words about the inadmissibility of blind faith109 an empty declaration? After reading the following lines from the work of Mrs. Srivastavu, the author of these lines trembled: "If on Vishwa Nirmala Dharma (on Sahaja Yoga. – V.P.) are attacked, then the Sahaja Yogis of the whole world must oppose it."110 Yes, it is hard to stand up to the Sahajis all over the world. Can a person come out of Sahaja Yoga and remain a normal person in the eyes of Sahajists? Of course not. As Mrs. Srivastavu writes, "Some of those who are leaving may of course try to defame Sahaja Yoga. But their propaganda should not disturb or upset anyone, because we are now in the Kingdom of God and all these lies and attacks will not affect our growth or the growth of Sahaja Yoga in general."111 If people reject Sahaja Yoga, then from the point of view of the Sahajists, the only reason for this is the spiritual blindness of people: "We have to respect our elders, we have to respect our parents, even if they don't understand Sahaja Yoga, we have to forgive them because they are blind."

As we can see, Sahaja Yoga has nothing to do with science. However, as well as to Christianity. Sahaja Yoga is based on the uncritical belief of one man, Mrs. Nirmala Srivastava, who can be called a mystic and her movement as a whole is mystical. Although even this classification of the movement of Mrs. Srivastavu is made by the author with great stretches and only because he does not see any other way to classify his teaching and practice. The teaching of Sahaja Yoga is inconsistent and in general, in the author's opinion, it is difficult to call this teaching religious. Rather, the ideas put forward by Mrs. Srivastavu are a set of general words about spirituality, abundantly seasoned with religious terminology. At the same time, Madame Srivastavu does not seem to know the meaning of many religious terms. If we take into account the identity of many ideas of Sahaja Yoga with the ideas preached by occultists (the unity of religions, the doctrine of "divine energy", hatred of monasteries, speculation on science, instillation of phobias, megalomania, mysticism), then it is quite possible to talk about the spiritual unity of occultism and Sahaja Yoga. In any case, we have to state the significant closeness of these teachings to each other. It is sad to realize that there are people who take "spiritual masters" like Nirmala Srivastavu seriously. It is to be hoped that the Sahaja Yogis who will read this article will not label the author as a liar before reading it, but at least try to reflect a little on the meaning of what has been said.

1 Sahaja Yoga. Advice and recommendations for seekers of truth. Nirmala TO. 2000. P.10.

2 Second birth. Supplement to the journal "New Worldview". №1. 2003, p.2.

3 Sahaja Yoga. Methodical manual for beginners. Sahaja Yoga Centre. VISHVA Nirmala Dharma. St. Petersburg, 2002. P.1.

4 Sahaja Yoga. Advice and recommendations for seekers of truth. Nirmala TO. 2000. P.7.

5 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Sahaja is yoga. Moscow, Antal. 1992, p.9.

6 Ibidem. 1992, p.18.

7 Ibidem. P.17.

8 See: A.L. Dvorkin, Sectovedenie. Nizhny Novgorod. Ed. In the name of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky. 2003. P.432.