Pitanov V.Y.

23 Ibidem. P.12.

24 See: L.M. Bash, A.V. Bobrova, G.L. Vecheslova, R.S. Kimyagarova, E.M. Sendrovits, "Sovremennyi slovar' inostrannykh slov. Moscow, Citadel-trade. 2002. P.158.

25 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Sahaja Yoga. Moscow, Antal. 1992, p.11.

26 Ibidem. P.13.

27 Sahaja Yoga. Advice and recommendations for seekers of truth. Nirmala TO. 2000. P.48.

28 Ibidem. P.47.

29 On the traditional understanding of Ganesha in Hinduism, see: Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism. Dictionary. Moscow, Respublika. 1996. P.138.

30 Parvati (Daughter of the Mountains) is the wife of Shiva. He is considered an example of an ideal, faithful wife who deserved her husband through the worship of him in her youth. See: Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism. Dictionary. Moscow, Respublika. 1996. P.325.

31 See: R.N. Dandenakar, Ot veda k induizmu: evolyutsionivaya mifologiya. Moscow, "Oriental Literature" of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2002. P.198.

32 Shri Mataji on the chakras. Moscow, 2003, p.34.

33 Ibidem. P.5.

34 Ibid. P.8.

35 Ibidem. P.13.

36 Ibidem. P.36.

37 Ibid. P.178.

38 Ibidem. P.162.

39 Sahaja Yoga. Methodical manual for beginners. Sahaja Yoga Centre. VISHVA Nirmala Dharma. St. Petersburg, 2002. P.1.

40 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Sahaja Yoga. Moscow, Antal. 1992, p.3.

41 See: V.Y. Pitanov, "Sud sovesti: agni-yoga protiv khristianstva [The Court of Conscience: Agni Yoga against Christianity]. http://apologet.narod.ru

42 See: Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism. Dictionary. Moscow, Respublika. 1996. P.249.

43 Sahaja Yoga. Methodical manual for beginners. Sahaja Yoga Centre. VISHVA Nirmala Dharma. St. Petersburg, 2002. P.3.