Priest Alexander Permyakov

8. Galina: Yes. I am an active member of this organization. The Bible says that we must preach, bear witness to the truth, even to the blood.

9. Me: That's understandable. It's about something else. Can we say that your views are completely identical to the teachings of OSB? Or do you have your own vision of the Bible's teachings?

10. Galina: Don't imagine me as some brainless zombie that teaches automatically. My understanding of the Bible's teachings is entirely consistent with the teachings of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. But this does not mean that I do not have my own views. I used to be Orthodox and took everything on faith. But when Jehovah's Witnesses began to study the Bible with me, I saw that Orthodoxy distorts Christian teaching, and Jehovah's Witnesses teach strictly according to the Scriptures. In addition, the way of life of the Witnesses seems to me to be more correct. They not only teach from the Bible, but also live by it. Therefore, after a long study of the Bible, I consciously accepted baptism in this organization. And now my views are fully in line with what the Bible and the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses teach.

11. Me: Can the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses lie?

12. Galina: What are you talking about? Of course not!!

13. Me: Great. Let's summarize. Your understanding of the Bible is in complete agreement with the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses. You can't lie. An organization cannot lie. Then there should be no contradictions between you and the organization. Did I understand you correctly?

14. Galina: Absolutely.