Priest Alexander Permyakov

84. Me: That's right! The real intrigue begins when we learn that the founder of the organization, Charles Russell, died in 1916, that is...

85. Irina Petrovna (school principal): ... That is, during the period when Jehovah's Witnesses were still Satanists.

86. Me: And that's exactly what you've noticed! As the Watchtower text says, "Charles Taze Russell is the first president of the Watch Tower Society whose faith we should emulate."14

87. Galina: What kind of nonsense are you talking about? What kind of Satanist is he? What are you inventing? You are simply biased against Jehovah's Witnesses!

88. Me: We are not inventing anything. Follow the links, look at the originals of the Watchtower, and you will see that we rely only on the literature of your organization. As for bias, you are unfair. When we talked about the fact that heresy differs from error in its attitude to the Bible, we found out that heresy contradicts the Bible. Faithfully?

89. Galina: That's right!

90. So, Charles Russell expressed many thoughts that contradict the Bible, but we decided to make an exception for him. We admitted that these were just misunderstandings. If we were talking not about Charles Russell, but, for example, about Constantine the Great or Gregory the Theologian, then you would not be so lenient! You find in representatives of other faiths any clue in order to stigmatize, denounce, expose! So which of us is prejudiced against the other?

91. Galina: You want to shake my faith! You have come to tempt me!

92. Me: Not to tempt, but to test. For thus it is written in the Bible:

"Try the spirits, whether they are of God." (1 John 4:1)

I think that if you are from God, then the words of the Scriptures apply to you: "The weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty of God to destroy strongholds: [by them] we overthrow schemes and every arrogance that rises up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ, and are ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled" (2 Corinthians 10:4-6).