Priest Alexander Permyakov

95. Galina: But you believe in the Christian Trinity, don't you?

96. Me: Yes, absolutely...

97. Galina: So your faith contradicts God's revelation, because the Bible says that Jesus is the first creation of God, and the spirit is God's power. And you think that the Christian God is some kind of three-headed dragon. Your superstitious understanding of such important issues of the Christian faith as the Trinity shows your lack of spirituality. This means that you cannot judge such spiritual phenomena as the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses.

98. Me: And we don't judge anyone. God is your judge. On the contrary, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the invaluable assistance you have given us in the correct assessment of your organization. The literature of the OSB has helped us to avoid gossip and rumors, and you have helped us to understand the Watchtower texts correctly. At this time, we have only one question left unclarified regarding your missionary service.

Let us suppose that Christ actually chose you in 1919 and blessed your organization to be the authorized representative of His kingdom on earth. However, between 1919 and 2011, Jehovah's Witnesses changed about 50 of their teachings. I recommend looking at another text: "Any change in doctrine speaks of a non-inspired source of those doctrines and of the efforts of leaders to reconcile the inconsistencies that have arisen." 15So now you may well be called apostates and traitors.

99. Galina: And what teachings have we changed? Give examples.

100. Me: Absolutely. The most striking change in doctrine is the teaching that Charles Russell is a "faithful and discreet slave." Until 1895, the Students of the Scriptures did not consider him a personal "faithful slave," but in 1895 they changed their original mind.16 (See Proclaimers, 1993, p. 143.) He was considered a "faithful and discreet slave" from 1895 to 1927, i.e., for 32 years. In 1922, the organization's second president declared that the denial of Russell's teaching as "Jehovah's faithful and discreet servant" was a denial of Jehovah himself.17 Now you teach differently. You regard the organization itself as Jehovah's "faithful and discreet slave." Correct?

101. Galina: That's right.