Priest Alexander Permyakov

107. Galina: Yes, I agree.

108. Me: It seems to me that you have one teaching that can be presented as an example of "transmission." This teaching is about 1914. Closing our eyes to some details, we can assume that you first mentioned 1914 as a certain starting point of your chronology. They say that something should happen this year. Then you began to teach that Christ came to earth this year. Then a new amendment: Christ turned his attention to mankind in 1914. If the date "1914" is "Boston" for you from the beginning, then everything fits together. And now let's move from this beautiful pastoral landscape to the harsh reality. Look again at the text of the prediction about the year 1914: "Indeed, great things are expected to be spoken of, which we are doing: within 26 years all existing governments will be overthrown and disappear: In accordance with the obvious certainty of what the Bible says about the Times of the Jew, we hold it to be an indisputable truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be completed by the end of A.D. 1914.24 What is the INDISPUTABLE TRUTH? That in 1914 there will be the final end of the kingdoms of this world and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God. And so that we do not perceive this message as an accidental change in the wind, it speaks of "MANIFEST AUTHENTICITY". That means the "destination" of your ship, in this case not just "1914," but "The End of the Worldly Kingdoms in 1914."

If, after this message, you wrote, for example, that "the end of the kingdoms in 1914" would take place in February 1914, then, in another message, that it would be February 5, then that the collapse of all kingdoms in 1914 would be on February 5 at 4:00 p.m., then we could talk to you about the "INCREASING LIGHT."

Or I will give you this example of the logic of "increasing light": if you were to say that in 1914 Brazil and Argentina would perish, then, finally, all the kingdoms of the world, then it would look convincing. But if you said that Poland and France would perish instead of Mexico and Argentina, then you would have problems with logic. After all, as we have already said, "a new view of the truth will never contradict the old truth. ' The New World' will never exclude the 'old', but will complement it."

In all your chronological discourse, there are contradictions that prevent us from applying the concept of the "new world" to them. Until 1895, Russell was not a "faithful slave", then suddenly he became one. Is this a contradiction?

109. Galina: No, it's not a contradiction!

110. And...