Kniga Nr1411

After my return from Athos, I was bombarded with questions from all sides: what? how? why?..

I answer: wait a little, do not be in a hurry: I will publish my report to the Holy Synod and you will find out what is going on; only, for God's sake, do not believe the newspapers: there are so many lies, slander, distortions of facts and the whole affair in them that it is difficult for you to understand.

My report appeared. Whoever read it calmed down, if only he believed me, did not consider me a liar. Others, it is true, still expressed perplexities, but they did not concern the essence of the matter, but the attitude of our press to it. But that's another question...

But the majority of the intelligentsia (again, I am speaking only of believers) do not yet know about the existence of my report and continue, relying on old newspaper gossip, to interrogate me: what were you doing there? What does our embassy do?..

"Have you read my report?"

"Where?" What report?

— The "Church. Ved.", "Mosk. Ved.", "The Bell", in my "Trinity Word", in all 60 "Diocesan Bulletins", in some patriotic newspapers that honestly relate to questions of church life.

— To be honest, I haven't. But in "Rech", in "Birzhevka", in "Russian Word"... they write this and that...

What can you say to this?

After all, of course, the Jewish and Judaizer newspapers, as well as our pseudo-patriotic "Dymy", "Grazhdanin" and similar organs, imbued with some incomprehensible hatred for the ruling church authority, for its representatives, will not publish my report. Here, tear out a few lines from it, distort them, paint them in the desired color - this they will probably do more, and the easiest thing is to keep silent. So how can you, believing intellectuals, know the truth about what is going on in church life, when you do not want to take our organs into your hands, when, I am ashamed to say, you do not know about their existence? What should we do with you, how should we inform you about things that seem to interest you?.. Shouldn't you send out your articles to all of you, everything that, in our opinion, should interest you from our church life? It seems that we would be ready to do this too, to the best of our ability and means, but will you read it? Sorry: it's hard to believe this. In a personal conversation, you seem to be interested, but when you tell you: read, well, let's say, in "Tserk. Ved." or at least in my "Tr. The Word": there I have set forth everything in detail, — do you hear the question: "The Trinity Word"? What kind of publication is it? I've never heard of it! You would have published your article even in Novoye Vremya: everyone would have read it... But what are you going to do with this newspaper lord, with Novoye Vremya, when not all of us, even bishops, are allowed there? There is no need to talk about the organs that are in the hands of the Jews and their henchmen of all kinds: they are ready to mock us, slander us, but to print our word – no, no, no way!

Do you not know this, believing Russian people?

"And who knows about your publications," I heard the answer: who had heard of some "Trinity Word", who read Skvortsov's "The Bell"?

"Yes, I am telling you about the Trinity Word: it costs only 1 ruble a year, for 50 NoNo, and I have a small family of readers, about five thousand, who are not lazy to send this ruble to the editorial office (I say: they are not lazy, for who among the 'intellectuals' does not have a ruble?), and as for the 'Skvortsov's' Kolokol', forgive me: this disparaging adjective only shows your prejudice against the newspaper. based on the constant slander against her on the part of the "Stock Exchanges", "Speeches" and other Jewish servants that you read. True, who is without sin, especially in the daily hurried work of the newspapers; Kolokol may also make mistakes, but it is still an organ that deserves the gratitude of the Russian people: up to 15 hierarchs, venerable professors of theological academies, many archpriests and church leaders collaborate in it, not in the least ashamed, but considering it an honor to sign their names in this newspaper... But you seem ashamed to pick up this newspaper... Well? Birzhevka or Vechernee Vremya, with their collaborators from among the "professors" who have been stripped or expelled from service, are more informed and authoritative in your newspapers than the Skvortsov newspaper?..

But let Kolokol be an unimportant newspaper: there will be more than one million of us, Orthodox Russian people in Russia: why don't we create our own good Orthodox daily newspaper? Aren't we ashamed that the Jews managed to seize hundreds of our newspapers in their filthy hands, and we cannot support – not to mention create a new one – but at least support one already existing newspaper?! After all, the whole point is that with insignificant funds it is difficult to put a newspaper as good as one would like.