In conclusion, Runsman summarizes the results of his research and outlines some prospects. Destroying the existing idea of the alleged end of Byzantine civilization in the XV century, the scientist ends his study in 1821. The history of the Patriarchate of Constantinople after the Greek Revolution, which developed in the struggle of the great powers for spheres of influence, is not included in the subject of the author's research. Meanwhile, the Byzantine civilization with its traditional ideological content ended its existence only in 1923, when one and a half million Greeks were expelled from Asia Minor, and these once Greek regions became purely Turkish. Runciman outlines approaches to a new view of the history of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, but definitely does not express it, leaving it to the historians of the next generations.

A Short Supplementary List of Recommended Reading7

Arkhangelsky A. Spiritual Education and Spiritual Literature in Russia under Peter the Great. Kazan, 1883;

Belokurov S. Arseny Sukhanov. CH. I?II. M., 1891–1893;

The Union of Brest of 1596 and the Socio-Political Struggle in Ukraine and Belarus at the End of the XV – the Beginning of the XVII Centuries. I. The Union of Brest of 1596: Historical Reasons. Moscow, 1996;

Bulanin D. M. Translations and Messages of Maxim the Greek. Leningrad, 1984;

Vozdvizhensky P. The sacred coronation and coronation of Russian sovereigns from ancient times to the present day. St. Petersburg; Moscow, 1896;

Golubev S. T. K. Ievsky Metropolitan Petro Mogila and His Companions. Part I?II. Kiev, 1883–1898;

Dyakonov M. The Power of the Moscow Sovereigns: Essays on the History of Political Ideas of Ancient Russia until the End of the XVI Century. St. Petersburg, 1889;

Zolotarev V. ?., Kozlov I. A. Russian Military Fleet on the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean. Moscow, 1989;

Ivanov A. I. Iterative Heritage of Maxim the Greek. Moscow, 1969;

Krylovskii A. S. Levovskoe Stavropegiyskoe bratstvo: Opyt tserkovno–istoricheskoe issledovaniya [The Stavropegian Brotherhood: The Experience of Church and Historical Research]. Kiev, 1904;