Benjamin (Milov), bishop. - Readings on Liturgical Theology - Christian Fasting on the Image of the Lenten Triodion

Such is the Church's enlightenment of believers by the Spirit of Christ during the time of abstinence. Here the power of God descends upon man's effort to enter into union with God and meets man at the moment of struggle with the passions. That which is inaccessible to man in overcoming sin invisibly completes grace with its invincible power.


According to the rule of the Church, bodily fasting is obligatory for a Christian at certain times and days of the year. Spiritual fasting from passions should be a universal and uninterrupted podvig.

Fasting leads to domination over the passions, forms a background of purity in the soul and strengthens love for God and people.

As long as the soul is morally intemperate and darkened, it is impossible for it to distinguish in itself the mental diabolical pretexts from the natural work of its own thinking. Only against the background of the soul, purified by the grace of fasting, are the action of the personal mind and the devil's mental attachments clearly visible. A person is then able to contradict the enemy's pretexts and drive them away by invoking the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Spiritual fasting begins with keeping the mind clean and repelling passionate mental raids. With purity of mind, a person does not have agitated feelings and desires are not disturbed. Deep inner peace and silence reign in it.

[1] Tuesday, 3 weeks. Led. Fasting of the morning, 1 Triple Song, 3 tr. 8 p.

[2] Ned. Cheese. in the morning, 3 stanzas for Praise; Thursday, 2 weeks. Led. Lenten Evening, 1 verses. stichera.

[3] Monday. Cheese. in the morning, 1 Triple Song, 3 tr. 9 pts.; Monday. Cheese. vech., 1 stanza on the Lord I have cried; Tuesday Cheese. a.m., 1 verse. stichera; Five cheeses. in the morning, 1 Triple Song, 1 tr. 7 pts.; Ned. Meat. in the morning, 3 stanzas for Praise; Thursday morning, 1 verse stichera.

[4] Tuesday, 2nd week. Led. Fasting of the morning, 2 Three Songs, 2 tr. 8 pts.; Monday. 3 weeks. Led. Lent, 1 Triple Canto, 3 tr. 1 pt.

[5] Thursday, 3 weeks. Led. Lent, 1 Triple Canto, 3 tr. 2 pts.; Tuesday, 5 Weeks. Led. Fasting of the morning, 2 Three Songs, 1 tr. 9 pts.; Five cheeses. in the morning, 1 Triple Song, 1 tr. 8 pts.; Wednesday 2 Weeks. Led. Fasting of the morning, 1 verses. stichera; Tuesday 4 Weeks. Led. Lent Evening, 6 stanzas on the Lord I have cried; Tuesday Vai, 1 Triple, 1 tr. 9 p.

[6] Pyatok Syrn. in the evening, 3 stichera on the Lord I have cried; Saturday. Cheese. in the morning, Sedalen on 2 verses; Monday. 4 weeks. Led. Lenten Evening, 2 Stichera on the Lord I Have Cried Out.

[7] Ned. Cheese. evening, 1 stanza on the Lord I have cried; Monday. 3 Se dm. Vel. Fasting of the morning, 2 Three Songs, 2 tr. 1 pt.