Benjamin (Milov), bishop. - Readings on Liturgical Theology - Christian Fasting on the Image of the Lenten Triodion

[1] Tuesday, 3 weeks. Led. Fasting of the morning, 1 Triple Song, 3 tr. 8 p.

[2] Ned. Cheese. in the morning, 3 stanzas for Praise; Thursday, 2 weeks. Led. Lenten Evening, 1 verses. stichera.

[3] Monday. Cheese. in the morning, 1 Triple Song, 3 tr. 9 pts.; Monday. Cheese. vech., 1 stanza on the Lord I have cried; Tuesday Cheese. a.m., 1 verse. stichera; Five cheeses. in the morning, 1 Triple Song, 1 tr. 7 pts.; Ned. Meat. in the morning, 3 stanzas for Praise; Thursday morning, 1 verse stichera.

[4] Tuesday, 2nd week. Led. Fasting of the morning, 2 Three Songs, 2 tr. 8 pts.; Monday. 3 weeks. Led. Lent, 1 Triple Canto, 3 tr. 1 pt.

[5] Thursday, 3 weeks. Led. Lent, 1 Triple Canto, 3 tr. 2 pts.; Tuesday, 5 Weeks. Led. Fasting of the morning, 2 Three Songs, 1 tr. 9 pts.; Five cheeses. in the morning, 1 Triple Song, 1 tr. 8 pts.; Wednesday 2 Weeks. Led. Fasting of the morning, 1 verses. stichera; Tuesday 4 Weeks. Led. Lent Evening, 6 stanzas on the Lord I have cried; Tuesday Vai, 1 Triple, 1 tr. 9 p.

[6] Pyatok Syrn. in the evening, 3 stichera on the Lord I have cried; Saturday. Cheese. in the morning, Sedalen on 2 verses; Monday. 4 weeks. Led. Lenten Evening, 2 Stichera on the Lord I Have Cried Out.

[7] Ned. Cheese. evening, 1 stanza on the Lord I have cried; Monday. 3 Se dm. Vel. Fasting of the morning, 2 Three Songs, 2 tr. 1 pt.

[8] Ned. Cheese. evening, 1 stanza on the Lord I have cried; Wednesday 1 Week. Led. Fasting of the morning, 1 Three Songs, 1 tr. 3 p., 2 tr. 3 p., 2 tr. 9 p., 2 Three songs, 2 tr. 3 p.

[9] Thursday, 1 Week. Led. Lenten Evening, 1 verse stichera; Friday 1 week. Led. Lent, 1 verse stichera; Monday. 2 Weeks. Led. Fasting of the morning, 2 Three Songs, 2 tr. 8 pts.; Tuesday, 2 Weeks. Led. Fasting of the morning, 2 Three Songs, 5 tr. 2 p., Sedalen for 2 verses.

[10] Вторник 2 Седм. Вел. Поста вечера, 1 стиховная стихира; Понед. 2 Седм. Вел. Поста утра, 2 Трипеснец, 5 тр. 8 п.; Среда 3 Седм. Вел. Поста утра, Седален по 2 стихосл., 1 Трипеснец, 1 тр. 3 п.; Вторник 5 Седм. Вел. Поста утра, 2 Трипеснец, 1 тр. 9 п.; Субб. 5 Седм. Вел. Поста вечера, 2 стихира на Господи воззвах.

[11] Понед. 1 Седм. Вел. Поста вечера, 1 стиховная стихира; Вторник Сырн. утра, 2 Трипеснец, 1 тр. 8 п.; Среда 1 Седм. Вел. Поста вечера, 4 стихира на Господи воззвах; Среда 2 Седм. Вел. Поста вечера, 1 стихира на Господи воззвах; Вторник 2 Седм. Вел. Поста утра, 2 Трипеснец, 1 тр. 9 п.

[12] Среда Сырн. утра, 1 стиховная стихира; Вторник 1 Седм. Вел. Поста утра, 1 стиховная стихира; Пяток 2Седм. Вел. Поста утра, Сед. по 2 стихосл.; Понед. 3 Седм. Вел. Поста утра, 2 Трипеснец, 5 тр. 9 п.

[13] Вторник 2 Седм. Вел. Поста утра, 1 Трипеснец, 2 тр. 8 п.; Среда 2 Седм. Вел. Поста утра, 1 Трипеснец, 1 тр. 9 п., 3 тр. 9 п.; Среда Сырн. вечера, 1 стиховная стихира.

[14] Субб. 5 Седм. Вел. Поста вечера, 3 стихира на Господи воззвах.