Benjamin (Milov), bishop. - Readings on Liturgical Theology - Christian Fasting on the Image of the Lenten Triodion


Humbling themselves, the fasting pray to God for salvation and forgiveness of sins at every hour, day and night. Their mental and heartfelt gaze is intently, uninterruptedly, wholly directed to the Throne of God with perfect faith [32]. From their lips burst out terse but fervent exclamations to the Lord, such as the following:

"Our Father who art in heaven! Forgive us our sins" [33].

"My Christ! Do not despise me who have sinned, but cleanse me with repentance" [34].

"Jesus! Give me now tenderness and sighing, that I may weep over my evil deeds, more immeasurable than the sea" [35].

"Lord! by the light of Thy Countenance correct me now" [36].

"I have sinned without number before Thee, O Word! I expect endless torment. Give me tears, that I may obtain forgiveness with them" [37].

"Jesus God! I am a stranger to You... became impoverished from every good deed and darkened" [38].

"You see the sorrow of my heart, you see my tears. Save me, who fall down to Thee in repentance" [39].

"Snatch me from the fierce devil and clothe me in the first garment" [40].

"Savior! The way of my life is terrible. Give me time and the morals of repentance... before death overtakes me" [41].

"A multitude of cruel sins bind me with chains, set me free, my Christ" [42].

"Merciful! Have mercy on me, who have fallen" [43].

"Oh my God! Give me clouds of tears so that I may weep and wash away the filth" [44].

"My heart is full of the wounds of sin. Apply to me a plaster of repentance" [45].

"Do not destroy me, who am coarse by sin" [46].

"My whole life has been spent in sins. Will I be able to repent in my old age? God! before my final destruction, save me" [47].

"Lord! The carnal way of thinking darkens me" [48].

"Lift me up, who lie in iniquity" [49]. "Look at me with merciful eyes and be merciful to me" [50].

"The Lamb of God, who takes away my sin all the day! I completely commit my soul and body into Your hands... Do not cast me away from Your Face" [51].

The humble prayers of the fasting are quickly heard by God. In answering them, He invisibly but "sensibly extends the grace of forgiveness of their sins" to the men of prayer [52].