St. Athanasius the Great

36) Let Paul of Samosata also be enlightened, heeding the Divine voice that says: "My body, and there is no other Christ besides Me the Word; He is with Me, and I with Him; for the anointing is I the Word, and that which I have anointed is man. Therefore without Me he would not be called Christ; but He is called, because He is with Me, and I am in Him." Therefore the message of the Word referred to signifies His union with Jesus, who was born of Mary; Jesus, as this name is interpreted, is the Savior not in any other way, but in union with God the Word. This saying means the same as the words: "The Father who sent me" (John 8:18), and "I did not come for myself, but the Father sent me" (42). The union with man, in which it was possible to give people knowledge of the invisible nature by means of the visible nature, he called the epistle. God, when He shows His existence in the flesh under the image of our smallness, does not change His place, like we who hide in some place. For how can He who fills heaven and earth change place? But because of His appearance in the flesh, the saints called it an epistle, and then God the Word Himself called it. Thus, from Mary the God-Man is Christ, not another Christ, but one and the same. He is from the Father before the ages, and He is from the Virgin before the ages, formerly invisible to the holy heavenly powers, and now visible by reason of union with visible man, and visible, I mean, not by the invisible Godhead, but by the action of the Godhead, by means of the human body and the whole man, whom He renewed by appropriation to Himself. To Him be honored and worshipped, before and now, and always, and forever and ever! Amen.