German (Dvortsov), hier. - The True History of the Society of Jehovah's Witnesses

"To that extent the six volumes of the Study of the Holy Scriptures are practically are the Bible, thematically organized, with a system of biblical proofs, then we have no right to call these volumes "The Bible in Orderly Form," for these are not commentaries, but practically the Bible itself. Moreover, we do not We only see people who do not understand the divine plan by studying the Divine plan itself The Bible, but also we see that if one puts aside the "Studies Holy Scripture," even after using it as I met with it, read it for 10 years, and if after all this he puts aside the "Studies" with their references and comments, and forgets about them, and goes back to the Bible alone, even though he understood the Bible for 10 years, but our experience shows that in two years it will hit the into the darkness. On the other hand, if he mainly read the Studies with references and commentaries and did not read a page from the Bible itself, then At the end of 2 years he will be in the light, for the light will be with him of the Holy Scriptures" (SB 15.09.1910. – P. 289.

Let us cite some of the conclusions that Russell came to as a result of "careful Bible studies."

“... The second coming of the Messiah took place exactly in October 1874... and from that time on, in perfect harmony with the unfolding plan of God, Preparatory campaign for the Battle of the Great Day, which will take place in 1914 Year. In the same year the times of the Gentiles will end" (Russel Ch. T. Wyklady Pisma Svietago. Vol. III.—P. 131, 133. Cit. 12:26).

"The time of our Lord's presence, from 1874 to 1914, is the time of harvest, i.e., the gathering of his faithful followers, after which comes the the destruction of modern institutions as a preparation for a new Kingdom... The earthly part of the kingdom of God will begin in 1914 and will consist mainly of from the resurrected saints of the Old Testament, from John the Baptist to Abel: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the holy prophets... They prepared themselves and turned out to be worthy to be earthly ministers" (Russel Ch. T. Wyklady Pisma Svietago. Vol. IV.—P. 90, 99. Cit. 12:27). Determining the date of the "battle of the last day", Russell emphasized that it was not him, but "... God calculates time exactly, perfectly accurate, and therefore this question cannot be an exception in mathematical God's exactness" (Russel Ch. T. Wyklady Pisma Svietaga Vol. III.— p. 131. Cit. 12:27). After the above testimonies, it is quite strange are the assertions of modern Watchtower writers that among Russell's followers "... There were even those who came to the conclusion that that in 1914 the end of the times of nations will come" (SB 1.05.1994. — P. 24). This is the conclusion reached by the unmisguided followers of the "pastor" Russell, and he himself introduced these ideas among his admirers. Therefore, statements The Watchtower of 1.05.1994 can only be regarded as an attempt to shift the blame from a sore head to a healthy one. In 1893, Chicago hosted the first national convention of the "Bible Students" (as they were then called Jehovah's Witnesses), at which some delegates criticized the doctrine Russell and the methods he used in leading the organization. In response fiery speech, the "pastor" declared the persons who opposed him "agents of Satan" and achieved their immediate expulsion from the Society (15, 44). Since the 90s, the work of the Watch Tower Society outside the United States. Himself Russell "... repeatedly traveled to Canada, made presentations in Panama, in Jamaica and Cuba, made a dozen trips to Europe and circumnavigated the world preaching journey... In the mid-1890s, Adolf Weber was sent to Europe, who, while living in Switzerland, also preached in France, Italy, and Germany Belgium. E.J. Coward went to the Caribbean. Robert Halister received an appointment to the East in 1912" (SB, 1.05.1994. – P. 15). In order to expansion of the preaching work in 1909 by the Bible Students the "Association of People's Preachers of New York" was formed, which was a subsidiary of the firm of the Pennsylvania Corporation. The headquarters of the Association is established and the New York City area of Brooklyn. Since 1956, it has been called the "Watchdog Society Towers, Bibles, and Tracts, New York, Inc. (16, 226).

"In order to promote the work of the Bible Students in the countries of Great Britain In 1911 in London (England) the International Society of Bible Students" (7, 9). Thus, a system of of the three corporations, in which, however, the Watch Tower Bible Society and Tracts of Pennsylvania" is the main one. This, first of all, is expressed in in the financial dependence of the New York and London societies on him (16, 226. The Bible Students have constantly conducted propaganda campaigns in the media. The sermons of C.T. Russell "... Printed on the pages of sometimes 2000 newspapers at the same time, the readers of which were 15000000 people" (SB 1.05.1904. – P. 15). But the advertising hype aimed at drawing attention to the Watch Tower Society, paying big dividends I didn't bring it. "From 1870 to 1914 the number of Bible Students was comparatively Small. By 1914, the only 5100 people" (SB 1.05.1994. – P. 15). Why are there huge financial Did the costs of Russell and his associates not justify themselves? Why instead of hundreds thousands of their followers were only a little more than five thousand? Why Neither preaching travels nor millions of copies of publications have yielded of the expected result? One of the most important reasons for this was that the C.T. Russell and his organization were involved in a series of high-profile scandals that showed the moral unscrupulousness of the head of the "Researchers" of the Bible" and the inconsistency of his statements. Perhaps one of the most serious blows to Russell's reputation were inflicted by his wife, Mary. A loyal follower ideas of her husband, she broke off relations with him in 1897, since he began to to cheat on her with other "Bible Students". But in order not to interfere Charles's missionary work, Mary could not bear the family conflict for public viewing. Charles Russell, for his part, promised her a lifetime sentence Maintenance. There was no official divorce procedure, although the separation The spouses caused rumors in the local press. Since 1903, Charles Russell has ceased to fulfill his financial obligations to his wife and in three years she will was forced to file a divorce case in order to get what was due to her share of property. Having lost the remnants of respect for her ex-husband, Mary pointed out in statement of claim, which requires a divorce due to the infidelity of the spouse. For president of the Watch Tower Society may not have been so frightening divorce as his motivation. Charles Russell was "saved" by a team of four lawyers led by his future successor, J. F. Rutherford. Despite her tricks, appeals (the case was considered in courts of several instances), Russell was found to be unfaithful to his wife, who received on this basis divorce. And the point here is not in the poor training of Russell's lawyers, but in the fact that that his wife had documentary materials confirming the "affair" Charles with his followers. This lawsuit has greatly damaged authority of Russell and caused a significant outflow of members from the "Watch Society" Towers, Bibles and Tracts" (15:45: 16, 227). Although the relationship of "pastor" Russell women and were described by journalists who followed the trial as "sexual promiscuity" (Sook H. S. All, About One Rassel. Philadelphia, p. d. — R. 5. Cit. to 15, 45), an even greater storm of public indignation caused the way in which Russell divided the property with his wife. Understanding the inevitability divorce, Charles Russell, on the advice of his lawyers, "sacrificed" a significant part of its funds received as a result of the sale of a chain of stores clothes, the society headed by him. When the court issued a verdict on the division of there was nothing to divide - Mary received crumbs. Russell, although received a moral blow, but still kept his funds intact. This, apparently, was more important to him than moral and legal duties in front of his ex-wife (15, 45). In 1903, C. T. Russell took part in the public debate with E. L. Eaton, a Methodist elder. After six disputes, each side declared its victory. The second series of disputes, this time with the representative of the sect "Disciples of Christ" L. S. White, who had place in 1908. ended in the same way. The Watch Tower Society advertised victory of Russell, and the "Disciples of Christ" were reasonably indignant at this, since their opponent simply did not appear at a number of discussions (15, 44-45). Scandalous the fame of C. T. Russell was aggravated by the case of the "Miracle Wheat", which had place in 1913. In order to replenish the Society's cash register, C. T. Russell advertised from the pages of his magazine "Miracle Wheat", the yield of which, thanks to the special blessing of God, supposedly five times higher than that of an ordinary one. Naturally that the price of the seeds of this wheat was also much higher. Gullible farmers, Having fallen for the bait of the "pastor", they bought up all the seeds, but the harvest was the most ordinary. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle newspaper published an article on this matter with a caricature by Charles Russell, who sued the newspaper for this, demanding compensation for moral damage in the amount of 100,000 dollars. Lawyers of the newspaper used as witnesses for the defense of injured farmers. In the course of trial, all the facts in the case of the "Miracle Wheat" were confirmed. Suit Russell was rejected and he was forced to pay a hefty fine for fraud and return the money received by deception to the affected farmers. Later, "Brooklyn" The Daily Eagle published a series of articles that dealt with dubious financial Watch Tower Society, but Charles Russell sued the newspaper I didn't file it anymore. Apparently, the information was reliable (15, 45). In June 1912 Pastor of the Baptist Congregation in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada—J. Ross published the pamphlet "Facts and More Facts about the Self-Styled 'Pastor' C. T. Russell" (Ross J. J. Some Facts and More Facts About Self - Styled “Pastor” Ch. T. Russel”. Philadelphia. n.d.), in which he summarized the materials on his activities. In particular, this pamphlet dealt with the question of Russell's competence, as translator and commentator of the Holy Scriptures. The fact is that the main The "Bible Student" based his doctrines on the fact that he is familiar with the Greek and Hebrew languages, thanks to which he can deepen and understand more clearly the meaning of the biblical books. In order not to lose your dignity in his eyes consistent, Russell sues again. The case was considered in the Supreme Court of Ontario in March 1913. Defender J. Rossa is a lawyer Stouton, asked Charles Russell if he knew Greek (and it should be noted that that the testimony was given after taking the oath on the Bible). Russell replied affirmatively. Then the lawyer took out a New Testament in Greek and offered Russell to read aloud some text from there. Russell was embarrassed. As a result It turned out that the "expert in ancient manuscripts" did not even know the letters of Greek Alphabet. At the same court session, it was decided to find out at what C. T. Russell calls himself a "pastor." Attorney Stouton is very specific formulated the question: "When you were ordained a bishop, a priest, a presbyter, a church council, or any of the people?" warned about the responsibility for giving false testimony after the experiment with the Greek language, was silent for a very long time and then answered: "Never" (15, 48; 16, 227—228). The year 1914 expected by the Bible Students was approaching. C. T. Russell released the film "Photo-Drama of Creation" with synchronous recording text on plastics. Although the film was called "non-confessional" in the advertisement, he subtly propagandized the teachings of Russell. At the same time, a separate book was The script of the film was published. According to the calculations of C. T. Russell, the there was "a battle in that great day of God Almighty" (Rev. 16:14), the finale of which in October 1914 will be "... Complete overthrow modern earthly leadership" (Russel Ch. T. Studies in the Scriptures. Vol. ll 1891—P. 101. Cit. to 13. 73) and the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom God's on earth. In August 1914, World War I began in Europe. The number of Russell's followers increased slightly, but when the promised The deadlines passed and it became clear that the prophecy did not come true and the outflow of members began from the Watch Tower Society, people were convinced that Russell was alone of the false prophets (Deut. 18:22; Matt. 24:24), the Organization began to be feverish. As early as The Watch Tower of November 1, 1914, Russell wrote: "Remember that For us, this is a time of trial... If some reason leads to rejection from the Lord and His Truth, and to the fact that man will cease to sacrifice for works of the Lord, then interest in the Lord was aroused in the heart not simply by love to God, but also to something else; probably the hope that time is short; dedication was done only for a certain time" (Quoted from SB 1.05.1994 – P. 24-25). Russell's concern for donations is understandable. With the beginning of the departure of the followers, The Watch Tower Society's financial affairs were greatly shaken. Passes 1915 year. The war in Europe is gradually becoming a trench war. Russell rushes about America in order to stop the collapse of the organization he had created. He convinces, that there are only a few years left until the end of the world and even speaks in sermons about 1918 as the date of the end of the world. Charles Taze Russell did not have this date Waited. He died on October 31, 1916, while returning from Los Angeles to New York Headquarters of the Society. Cop, who accompanied Russell on the trip Sturgen called the conductors of the carriage "to see the death of a great man." Entering in the compartment, they saw Russell's body dressed in a kind of toga of sheets. According to them, "his face was darker than night" (15, 50). How activities are evaluated C. T. Russell, his modern followers? Very high. They write: "... not there can be no doubt that through the efforts of Brother Russell and his collaborators, was ruled by the holy spirit of Jehovah" (SB, 15.05.1995.— P. 17). If life C. T. Russell was defined by the spirit of Jehovah, then, probably, behind this name some kind of Spirit was hiding. But by no means a Saint. After the death of C. T. Russell Joseph Franklin Rutherford became the president of the society he founded. He was born on November 8, 1869, in Morgan County, Missouri, USA, to a family Baptists. His parents wanted their son to be a lawyer and Joseph alone time justified their hopes. He graduated from law college and then For two years he underwent practical training in court. In 1889, J. Rutherford received the position of court secretary, and two years later he was admitted to the bar (15, 53). 1894 in the life of J. Rutherford was marked by a meeting with Watch Tower Society activists. After acquiring three volumes of Studies in the Scriptures, he became interested in the teachings of Russell and together With his wife [10] he began to study new theological doctrines. Since 1906, Rutherford gives himself wholly to the Watch Tower Society." It becomes legal Advisor to the Society, delivers public sermons and directs the defense Russell at numerous trials. Rutherford becomes one from the closest assistants and confidants of the president of the "Storozheva Society" Towers". Upon learning of Russell's death, he organized his funeral in January 1917 He was elected president. After the death of C. T. Russell, among the Explorers The Bible began a period of confusion and vacillation. In 1917, under the editorship of J. F. Rutherford, the 7th posthumous volume of "Studies in the Scriptures" is published, entitled "The Completion of the Mystery". Many of the provisions of this book have found disagreement at headquarters Society. “... this book served as a test of the Explorers' loyalty The visible channel (Rutherford?-G.D.) that Jehovah used (Sat, 15.05.1995.— P. 21). In addition, Rutherford announced that the expected In 1914, the "battle of the great day" had already taken place, but in heaven, and Satan and his The angels were allegedly cast down to earth in the same year [11]. The year 1918 was declared as the year of the end of the world (14:41). Concerned about this position of Rutherford, some members of the Board of Directors of the Society proposed to limit the powers of the President and to expand the rights of government. Enraged, Rutherford began a purge of the highest composition of the organization. Four directors of the Society were removed from their posts Expelled from the ranks of the Bible Students. Subsequently, they founded sects "Missionary Movement of Laity" and "Association of Those Who Have Begun to Study the Bible", which immediately included some 4,000 disgruntled Bible Students the policy of the new president. The members of these sects considered themselves the only ones faithful followers of Russell and accused Rutherford of distorting the doctrine of the late pastor (14:39). In May 1918, against the "Storozheva Society" Towers, Bibles and Tracts" a criminal case was initiated. Publications of the Society, which proclaimed the imminent destruction of world governments, were perceived by law enforcement agencies in the United States and Canada as a call for change existing state system. Bible Students Headquarters was sealed, and eight members of the board, headed by J. Rutherford — Arrested. Nine months later, in March 1919, they were released to freedom, and in 1920 all charges were officially dropped (15, 55). Shock caused by the obvious injustice of the authorities to the Society The Watchtower led to the fact that J. Rutherford began to consider the arrest and release of board members as a manifestation of the war between Jehovah and Satan. The year 1918 in the views of Jehovah's Witnesses acquired an eschatological sounding and is considered the year when Jehovah came to "... The Great Spiritual temple... for the court" (SB 1.12.1992. - P. 13)

At the same time, Rutherford began to develop the concept of a rigidly structured "theocratic organization". He began to gradually expel from the Society leaders he disliked. Imprisonment rallied board members in a tight group. "However, even this group needed to be purified. Some of those who joined these people turned out to be enemies of the faith and from them it was necessary to be free" (SB, 1.12.1992.—p. 14). In general, Rutherford's struggle with the "enemies of the faith" among the leadership of the Society continued almost to the very his death. Since some of Rutherford's opponents participated in the publication of the Watchtower magazine, the president dissolved its editorial committee And he put the magazine under his personal control. At the same time, in 1919, he began issue of the second magazine of the Society - "Golden Age" (now - "Awake!") (14, 39). As for the prophecies about the imminent Armageddon [12], which have become integral part of the teaching of the Bible Students, they did not force themselves to wait a long time. After his release from prison, in the published commentaries on "Studies Scriptures" by Russell J. Rutherford declared, "Carnal apostates from Christianity will be completely discarded. None of them will survive in the world-destroying all-encompassing anarchy in the autumn of 1920" (cited by 13, 73). After this date, attention was addressed to 1921 (14, 41). But the propaganda the Watch Tower Society's campaign for 1925. "Since 1918 in many places a report was read on the topic "Millions now living never will not die!" (7, 10). Rutherford himself read this report (apparently corrected) at the national convention in Cedar Point, Ohio, in 1922. In the course of report, he "... clearly showed that in 1914, at the end of the times of nations, "the Tsar of glory" took upon himself great power and began to rule" (SB 1.05.1991. — P. 17). This idea is still widely spread by Jehovah's Witnesses today. But for some reason they do not like to remember that C. T. Russell referred to the "invisible The Coming of Christ" to 1874. Their memory is even shorter with regard to Rutherford's "revelation" in the same report. He asserted: "The second the coming of Christ took place in 1914, and the earthly phase of the Kingdom of the Messiah will come in 1925... We can certainly expect that 1925 will be marked by the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the other faithful prophets of the old Time. According to God's promise, they will be raised from the dead" (Millions Now Living Will Never Die, Brooklyn. WWTB&TS. 1920. - 89. Cit. 10 each, 66), these revelations of Rutherford were received with enthusiasm. An active a propaganda campaign that led to a very rapid increase in the ranks Bible Students. In 1925 alone, it amounted to 43% (14.41). Researchers The Bibles presented Armageddon as a kind of "social revolution" (SB, 15.05.1995. — P. 18), accompanied by supernatural events. But no coming Christ, nor the resurrection of the Old Testament prophets and all the dead, nor the "social revolution", in the course of which the followers of Russell and Rutherford had to to become members of God's kingdom did not happen in 1925. Therefore, already in In 1926, more than 50 percent of the Watch Tower Society's members broke off relationships with this organization (14, 41). A new idea was needed that could distract attention of the rank and file of the Society from the shameful failure, and this idea is quickly Found. For almost 50 years of their history, the Bible Students did not attach much importance to the the meaning of one of God's names (by the way, a distorted one) is Jehovah. Their main activity was defined as "the proclamation of the Tsar and His Kingdom" (SB 1.05.1994. —P. 26) and was associated with the name of Jesus Christ. Since 1926, the main task of members of the Watch Tower Society "began to proclaim the name of Jehovah God." "Getting Started Since 1927, elders who have not recognized this biblical responsibility were dismissed" (SB 1.05.1994 – P. 26). At the same time, events were carried out, supporting the belief of ordinary believers that the end of the world is very close. In 1930, in the resort town of San Diego, California, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean is under construction a luxury villa. called the "House of Princes". In it, according to the assurances of Rutherford, the biblical prophets will be settled after their resurrection. But so that the villa would not be empty in anticipation of the resurrected righteous, Rutherford himself settled. He spent the warm part of the year in New York, and the cold part of the year — in San Diego. In 1948, this villa, which became a symbol of unfulfilled prophecies, was quietly sold (12.32). Speaking on January 13, 1935, radio (speech broadcast worldwide by 103 radio stations) Rutherford reported that there were only a few months left before the "Battle of the Great Day" and called on all people who want to save their lives to become members of the organizations (10, 68). In 1938, in the brochure "Look the Facts in the Eye and know the only way of salvation" Rutherford advised his young followers not to marry before the expected end of the world, but to unite their hands are already in the coming Kingdom of Christ. He wrote: "Would it have been agreed upon? with the Holy Scriptures, if Jehovah's Witnesses were to marry now and began to give birth to children? No! — we find the answer in the Holy Scriptures... Bible confirms that the filling of the earth with people should take place not before, but after Armageddon... It would be better for Jehovah's Witnesses to wait a couple of years, until the firestorm of Armageddon passes. It would be very pleasant after it to marry" (Op. cit. 12:38). Since the end of the 20s, the Watchdog Society The towers began to undergo organizational changes. J. Rutherford, having eliminated from the leadership of the society of his opponents headed by him, began to carry out building a theocratic organization. At the end of the 20s, "... were appointed traveling representatives of the Society, pilgrims, to carry out regional service management" (SB, 1.05.1994. – P. 26). This J. Rutherford strengthened control of the center over the local branches of the Society. At the 1931 convention in Columbus, Ohio, the Bible Students changed their name and became known as "Jehovah's Witnesses" (SB, 1995. – p. 22). In order to be as different as possible from "false religion" (as Jehovah's Witnesses called Christianity), at the end of the 20s they refused to celebrate Christmas, and soon – from the celebration of birthdays in general. In 1936, the image of the cross was abandoned, claiming that Christ had been crucified on a pole (!) (SAT, 10.05.1995. – P. 19-20).

In building a "theocratic organization," Rutherford clearly clashed with the problem of electing the elders of local assemblies. The Tradition of Electing Elders was quite respectable - it was established by C. T. Russell himself. But it contradicted "theocratic" ideas of J. Rutherford and so, in 1932, the president of the Society requires that all elders of local congregations be appointed from above. Among Jehovah's Witnesses, turmoil began, reaching the very top of the organization. That to prevent a new split, a compromise decision was made - elected the elders were replaced by appointed service committees, and the service leader of the local assembly - elected. Over the next few years, opponents Rutherford were quietly removed from office in the localities, and from 1938 the leaders of the meetings began to be appointed (10, 10). Modern-day Jehovah's Witnesses describe These events are in very lyrical tones: "... The light that shone in the rooms of the Storozhevaya Towers" for September 1 and October 15, 1932, showed that for the elected elders had no biblical basis. Therefore, they were replaced by service ones committees, and the service leader was elected by the Society. Shining light in The Watchtower of June 1 and June 15, 1938, made it possible to see, that the ministers in the congregation should not be chosen, but appointed, and moreover, in a theocratic way" (SP 15.05.1905. – P. 22). Rutherford's idea received its final completion in 1971, when "... the light shone again And it became clear that every congregation should not be led by just one servant Meeting. Instead, there should be a corporation of elders in every congregation, or overseers appointed by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses" (SB15.05.1995.—P.22). Prior to 1935, Jehovah's Witnesses maintained that all they are destined to live in the kingdom of God, which will consist of 144,000 "faithful servants" of Jehovah. The 144,000 included all followers Russell and Rutherford, as well as the biblical righteous. But since the general the number of Jehovah's Witnesses since the formation of the Watch Society The towers were already approaching 100,000. and continued to grow gradually, the need to reconcile doctrine and reality. In 1935, the the new "revelation" that 144,000 "faithful servants of Jehovah" will reign with him Christ in heaven, and the rest of Jehovah's Witnesses form "a great crowd other sheep" who are destined for eternal life on earth under the dominion of "the heavenly government." An external sign expressing belonging to the number 144,000 "anointed in the Spirit, is the partaking of bread and wine at the Memorial. M. Willis recalls: "Until that time I had taken from symbols — insipid of bread and red wine at the annual Memorial of Jesus' death... Why, in 1935, was it explained to us that a great multitude had gathered, having hope to live forever on earth. Many of us have happily realized that we are part of this great multitude and have ceased to receive from the symbols" (SB 1.05. 1994.—S. 28—29). A Month and a Half Before the Witnesses Convention Jehovah, which opened on May 31, 1935 in Washington, "... at the celebration The Lord's Supper in the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, 10681 of those present... did not accept the symbolic bread and wine" (Sat, 1.02.1995.—p. 14). Considering the fact that in 1935 there were 56,153 "publishers" preaching (SB 1.02.1995.—S. 15), we can determine that at that time they recognized themselves as "anointed in the spirit" 45,472 people. The Watch Tower Society paid special attention to wrestling with Catholics and various Protestant sects, which in their entirety were declared "Satan's organization". Noisy propaganda campaigns Jehovah's Witnesses were turned against them by the inhabitants of many settlements. L. Thompson recalls: "At that time, we participated in information marches along the main streets of the city with posters thrown over their shoulders, on which there were signatures denouncing false religion and proclaiming God's Kingdom. We also used portable gramophones to play right at the doorstep records with Bible-based messages. We played phonograms of speeches J. Rutherford, the president of the Watch Tower Society, and some of them I knew it by heart" (Sat, 1.03.1994. – P. 24-25).

And Jehovah's Witnesses "preaching" in the coastal regions of the United States and Canada used such powerful equipment that "Thanks to the marine acoustics, the reports were often heard for kilometers" (SB 1.10.1991. – P. 23). In the cities "At first, To attract people's attention, we played music, and then a biblical report" (SB 1.10. 1994. – P. 23). No less indignation of people was caused by the principle of door-to-door propaganda. used by Jehovah's Witnesses to this day. The obtrusiveness of the "preachers" led to the fact that they were sued for this to the court (18.838). In the early 30s, in the 1st volume of the book "Evidence" ("Vindication. WTB&TS. 1931.) F. Rutherford formulates the doctrine of "gradual revelation." According to it, as "the end of the world approaches, biblical prophecies will become increasingly clear to "true Christians." Pro rata With this doctrine, it became possible to easily abandon the old interpretations Bibles and it is just as easy to create new ones (15, 57). With the beginning of World War II Rutherford stated that it would gradually develop into Armageddon (10, 69). Jehovah's Witnesses began to actively spread this "Bible message," This led to an increase in panic among the population. Therefore, the activity of The Watch Tower Society was banned as in Nazi Germany, and in liberal Canada (SB 1.03.1994 – p. 25). During the Warrior Witnesses Jehovahs in the United States expressed their attitude towards their country by spitting on the American flag, tore it to shreds and trampled it into the ground. But, it must be said that this At the suggestion of adults, only children who are not allowed by age to bring to criminal responsibility. During World War II, about 3,500 Jehovah's Witnesses of military age preferred to wait in prison for what was promised Rutherford of the end of the world, rather than fight fascism at least on an alternative service, orderlies in the rear (16, 231; 17, 349; 18; 1424). In Canada and, apparently, The United States has established a system to hide "young Christians" from the draft to the army (SB 1.03.1994 - P.25) "... Those who were over 25 years old began to be released conditionally" (SB 1.12.1992. - P.22) J. F. Rutherford did not live to see the end of the World War II, without waiting for a new failure of his prophecies. He died on January 8, 1942, at the House of Princes on the California coast. But Rutherford left behind a rigidly structured organization that carried out control over more than 115,000 Jehovah's Witnesses (15, 68; 16,231).

The successor of J. F. Rutherford was Nathan Homer Knorr. He was born on April 23 1905 in a town with a biblical name - Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States. At the age of 16, he left the Reformed Church,[13] to which he belonged his family, and began attending Bible Student meetings in a nearby town Alletown. At the age of 18, N. Knorr became a full-time preacher and soon is hired at the headquarters of the Watch Tower Society. In 1932 he was appointed chief manager of the press department, in 1931 he became the head of the press department. one of the directors of the New York Corporation, and in 1940 vice president "Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania." In five days after the death of J. F. Rutherford - January 13, 1942 Nathan Homer Knorr is elected the third president of the Society (15, 67; 16, 231). During of his reign, three important projects were carried out, which are still bear abundant fruit for Jehovah's Witnesses. In 1943 in South Lansing (New York City area) was founded the so-called "Gilead Bible School, preparing professional leadership and missionary personnel for work in the U.S. and abroad. A prerequisite for the admission of a candidate to the school was his full-time missionary work for at least two years. Years. Initially, the class was taught for 5 months, and now it is within 10 months. In 1961, the Bible School of Gilead was translated closer to the headquarters - in Brooklyn (15, 68, 69). Currently in Germany it operates a branch, Gilead Supplemental School. Apparently, with admission to Watch Tower Society's schools, preference is given to marital Couples. For example, 48 graduates of the 1992 Bible School of Gilead represented 24 married couples, and 24 graduates of the Additional School had consists of 11 married couples (SB 1.12.1992.—pp. 19-20).

The second important work of N. Knorr was the organization of the "Schools of Theocratic Ministries". In 1943, their activities began at each local meeting. Initially, only men were allowed to participate, and since 1958 - women as well (15, 68). For the Schools of Theocratic Ministry, for 10 years, textbooks that provide information about the doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses and methods of work Society and its history. But the main emphasis is on weekly classes of this school is based on teaching Jehovah's Witnesses the most effective methods propaganda of their ideas among the population. The main textbook in this case is a specialized magazine, Our Kingdom Ministry, which is not intended for for wide distribution. Because the main thing for a "publisher" is to quit conversation with a person, then he is recommended, for example,

“... prepare and use the introduction summarized in "Our Kingdom Ministry" or the brochure How to Start and Continue a Conversation on biblical theme" (SB, 15.09.1994.— P. 14). Among the topics of classes at the School of Theocratic There are also such services: "Gestures", "Fear (excitement) when performing", "Sentence construction", "Evidence (argumentation)", "Necessary Quality of Evidence", "Refutation of the Opponent's Arguments", "Various methods of ending speech" (11, 92).

In the classroom, various probable situations are played out in roles, ways of conducting conversations with people of different ages, different educational and social level. Thus, every person who has encountered a Witness Jehovah, should know that the words, intonations, and gestures of these people are well learned and rehearsed roles of scripts created by apparently professional psychologists of the Society. It is not for nothing that The Watchtower calls upon all the Witnesses Jehovah "... to be skillful, adapting their presentations (so in the text, — G.D.) and arguments for various beliefs of people" (SB 15.06.1994. – P. 27. The third most important activity of Nathan Knorr was the publication of his own translation of the Bible. Since the teachings of Russell and his followers are significantly different from Christianity, Jehovah's Witnesses were required to have A Bible that confirms the dogmas of their teachers. And it appeared. In the middle In the 40s, the Translation Committee began to work at the headquarters of the Society New World. In 1950, an English translation of the New Testament was published, called "The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures," and during the 1950s, five volumes of translations of the books of the Old Testament, entitled "Translation of the of the New World of the Hebrew Scriptures." In 1961, these publications were merged into the one-volume New World Translation of Holy Skriptures. WTB&TS 1961) Names of the members of the New Translation Committee Peace was not disclosed. And they themselves said that they wanted their names to remain in secret even after their deaths. (Jehovas Witness in the Divine Purpose. WTB&TS 1959. - P. 258. Cm. 16, 223). But still it became known that the work of the "translators" was headed by Frederick Franz, vice president of the Watch Tower Society (14, 43), who became the next president after the death of N. Knorr. In general, the topic of qualities The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures deserves a separate discussion, which will be continued in our next work. Here are just a few examples of how the "translators" distorted several texts of the Bible.  

Synodal Bible Translation (1) Translation of the New American Standard Bibles (2) New World Scripture Translation In. 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. In the beginning was, the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (Quoted by 15, 116) In. 8:58 Jesus said to them; truly, truly I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. Jesus said to them; truly, truly I tell you; before Abraham was, I am. ... before it came into existence Abraham, I Was (Quoted by 13:75) Lux. 23:43 And Jesus said to him, Truly I say to thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise. And Jesus said to him, "Truly I say you; today you will be with Me in paradise. And Jesus said to him, Truly I say to you today: you will be with me in paradise. (Quoted from SB 15, 06. 1995.—P. 6)

The first two texts in the version of Jehovah's Witnesses "confirm" their teaching that Jesus Christ is a created being, i.e. they return to the Arian heresy of the IV century. And the third text in their version fits quite well the concept that the soul, in the Christian understanding, does not exist and paradise will appear only after Armageddon. Currently Jehovah's Witnesses some 72 million copies of the New World Translation of the Sacred Scriptures", which has already been translated into 18 languages and is already being translated into 12 more (SAT, 15.05.1994.—P. 3). It must be said that the alteration of the Bible by supposedly completely unique and absolutely accurate "in-house translations" is one of the the most important signs of the anti-Christian position of the organization. Except the Witnesses Jehovah's "original" own translations of the Bible were created by sects: Mormons ("Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"). "International The Way", "The Christadelphians". All of them originate from the United States (13, 17).