German (Dvortsov), hier. - The True History of the Society of Jehovah's Witnesses

But let us return to the activities of N. Knorr. With the coming to power, he, in order not to distracted from important matters, from the pages of the book "The Truth Will Free You" announced:

"From the creation of Adam to the end of 1913, 5971 years passed. Therefore 6 thousand years of human history are coming to an end [14], and we are approaching terrible events of which the times of Noah were a type" (quoted by 12:34).

If we proceed from the above calculations of N. Knorr, it turns out that 6000 years were supposed to expire in 1972. But such a distant date of Armageddon did not arouse a surge of enthusiasm among the rank and file of Jehovah's Witnesses, and therefore it was constantly updated. Subtle hints were given that the end of the world will come in 1958, then in 1960, then in 1961 (16,232). Nathan Knorr was more prudent than his predecessors, so the Witnesses Jehovah's extensive propaganda campaigns, similar to those that took place the day before 1914 and 1925, were not held, but for agitation and recruitment of supporters These "probable dates" were used very actively. (shortly after the arrival of N. Knorr introduced one more innovation: all the books, articles and pamphlets of the Society Watchtowers have become anonymous. This is. On the one hand, it made it possible the Society's leadership to inculcate among the rank-and-file Jehovah's Witnesses the idea that that the author of all publications is Jehovah himself, and the Governing Body — the authority that transmits his words. On the other hand, there is a wall of anonymity did not allow criticizing the authors of publications of dubious quality. Along apparently, N. Knorr also introduced the principle of collective authorship, But even in this case, the publication was anonymous. Spokesperson N. Norra—U. Gless reaffirmed this at the headquarters meeting on June 6, 1962 press conference, informing that before handing over the text of the publication, In the Printing Department, it passes through several hands, which achieves a high degree of anonymity (16,232).

Nathan Knorr, who began his career in the Press Department, throughout the of his presidency, he paid main attention to increasing the number of circulation of publications published by the Society. Thus, in The Watchtower of 1.01.1962 It was reported that the circulation of this edition reached 3,850,000 copies per year. 62 languages. The magazine "Awake!" of 22.06.1962 reported 3,600,000 copies of its circulation in 25 languages. In 1961, Jehovah's Witnesses distributed 5,851,105 copies of various books and 13,084,075 booklets. Such activity Society led to its significant growth. If in 1942 the Witnesses Jehovah was active in 54 lands, up from 185 in 1961. Their numbers also increased: in 1942, there were about 115,000 in the world "Jehovah's Witnesses", and in 1961 - 884,587. Total number of local 21,557 (16. 234-235). The reason for this growth of the "Society" Watchtower. of the Bible and Tracts" was primarily carried out by the on the initiative of N. Knorr, an educational program aimed at preparing qualified missionaries. N. Knorr was strong in organizational activities, But in matters of doctrine, unlike his predecessors, he was much more weaker. The main place of the "ideologist" of the Society was taken by Frederick William Franz. He was 12 years older than Knorr and served as vice president. President was engaged in increasing circulation, organizing congresses, building programs, but the content of publications, the topics and plans of the congresses were determined by Frederick Franz. Its influence especially increased after its completion in 1961 works on the "translation" and revision of the Bible. Released from the Committee New World translation, he plunged into the ocean of prophecy and "biblical calculations." In 1966, Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Son's of God. WTB&TS. Toronto. 1966). the author of which is considered to be F. Franz (14, 43). The book said: "In the twentieth century independent study (of the Bible) was continued and, since it did not follow blindly behind some traditional chronological calculations of the Christian target... A graph was drawn up that determined the date of human creation - 4026 B.C.E. chronology of 6000 years of human existence will end in 1975..." (Life Everlasting... p. 29-30. Quoted by 14, 44).

In support of the "biblical calculations" the book cited "Table significant dates" of human history. To show the grounds by which was guided by F. Franz, we will cite the last lines of this table (Life Everlasting... p. 35. Cit. 14:44).

Years A.D. Years from "creation" Events 1957 5982 (October). Russia launches the first space satellite that frightened World. 1962 5987 (October 11). Pope John XXIII opens II The Vatican Council. 1963 5988 Pala: John XXIII promulgates encyclical at Council "Peace on Earth", in which he commends the United Nations Nations, on June 3, he dies, despite a blood transfusion. 1964 5989 (May). Spy satellites and astronauts increase tensions in the world. 1965 5990 (October 4) Pope Paul VI visits the headquarters of the United Nations in New York, approves of its activities and meets with the President of the United States. On December 8, he closes the Second Vatican Council. 1966 5991 The threat of World War III is becoming more and more ominous wars between the "kingdom of the north" and the "kingdom of the south" (Dan. 11:5-7,40). Continues the spread of the organization of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses. In Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 22 begins an international series of regional "God's Sons of Liberty" congresses. Book "Eternal Life in the Freedom of the Sons of God" It was released on June 25, 1966 [15]. 1975 6000 The end of the sixth thousand-year human day existence (at the beginning of autumn). 2975 7000 End of the Seventh Thousand-Year Human Day existence (at the beginning of autumn).

Speaking at a congress in Toronto in June 1966, Franz exclaimed:

"What can be said about 1975? What will happen when this year comes, dear ones Friends? Will there ever be a time when Armageddon will be over, and Satan will be bound? 1975? Will! It will be!" (SAT 15. 10. 1966. Cit. 14.46).

The idea of the end of the world in 1975 was picked up by the entire press of the Watch Society Tower. For example, in the article "Why We Turn Our Eyes to 1975", published by in the issue of The Watchtower of 15.08. 1968 said:

"As a result of a detailed study of the Bible, we are ready to predict that in the autumn of 1975 the war of Armageddon would already be over, and the long-awaited millennial The Kingdom of Christ will begin... Our chronology is correct. deviation maybe for a few weeks or months, but not for years... No one should to speculate in the words: "Of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven; not the Son, but the Father alone" (Mark 32). The apostles saw much less than we do, they knew nothing about 1975" (Op. cit. 10, 70).

A powerful propaganda campaign launched by Jehovah's Witnesses on the occasion of Armageddon allegedly coming in 1975, led to an almost twofold increase in Society. If in 1966 there were 1,118,665 "public publishers" in the world, then in 1975 there were already 2,179,256 (14.47).

Many rank-and-file Jehovah's Witnesses began to sell off on the eve of the "end of the world" property and donate the proceeds to the needs of the organization. Such "jealousy" was supported in every possible way by the publications of the Society. In "Our Royal service" for May 1974 wrote:

"It is reported that some brothers are selling their houses and other property and plan to end the remaining days of this old system in the pioneer service. Undoubtedly, this is the best way to spend the short time left until the end of this evil world" (Op. cit., 14, 46).

At the same time, the Watchtower announced: