«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Many official Scientology publications (including recent statements by representatives of the Hubbard Humanitarian Center on Radio Radonezh) state that Hubbard was one of the first nuclear physicists in the United States. In fact, he took only one introductory course in molecular and nuclear physics at George Washington University, but failed to pass the exam, as well as in many other subjects, for which he was expelled from the second year of university.

Sequoy University, which had awarded Hubbard an honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy of no scientific value for his services in the field of Dianetics and Scientology, was ready to issue diplomas of various types to graduates of Scientology courses: Bachelor of Scientology, Doctor of Scientology, Freudian psychoanalyst, Doctor of Theology. In 1958, Sequoiah University was closed by the Department of Education for unworthy of a scientific and educational institution trade in diplomas. Hubbard himself refused to use the title of doctor in 1966, apparently precisely because of the notoriety of Sequoi University.

In fact, all the regalia and merits of Hubbard's "writer, humanist and philosopher" turn out to be either inflated to the size of an elephant, which an ordinary person will not pay attention to, or lies. Instead of answering all the counts, one should simply quote the 1984 Ruling of the London Supreme Court, Justice Latey (Scientologists then had every chance and opportunity to prove the opposite, if the following quote were not absolutely true): "In order to advertise his sect and himself, Lafayette Ronald Hubbard cited numerous false facts, including the following: That he received many awards for his heroism in the war. Nothing of the kind happened. That he commanded a squadron of corvettes. Nothing of the kind happened. That he was awarded the "Purple Heart" - a medal for wounding during hostilities. There were no wounds or awards. That as a result of battle wounds, he was crippled, lost his sight and healed himself with the help of Dianetics invented by him. He was not crippled and did not lose his sight. That he, on the instructions of naval intelligence, exposed a sect of black magicians and Satanists in California. Nothing of the kind happened. He himself was a member of this sect and was actively engaged in magical sexual rituals. That he graduated from George Washington University with a degree in nuclear physics. In fact, he had only completed one university course and had taken the only introductory course in nuclear physics, but he had never been able to pass the exam. All these facts are indisputable. Not a single testimony has been refuted. Hubbard calls himself a "doctor." The only doctorate he has is a "Doctor of Scientology" degree, which he presented to himself. Mr. Hubbard is a typical charlatan" [1,17].

That is, Hubbard did not have any "Purple Heart on his wrist", was not wounded, was not a nuclear physicist, did not expose the sect of black magicians in California, did not lose his sight, did not heal himself with the help of Dianetics, did not heal many patients in the Oak Knoll hospital. Scientologists had the opportunity in court to prove that all this was real, if it had been so. But the fact of the matter is that it was not so, these are the inventions of the dashing Hubbard. Hubbard's record is a forgery, which has been confirmed by the U.S. Navy Archives in response to numerous judicial inquiries from various countries (see [37]).

Beloved by all Scientologists, L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics—The Modern Science of Mental Health is a compilation of psychological information thickly spiced with provisions from books on the occult and magic, and "engramme," a central concept in Scientology, is in fact a pseudoscientific version of ancient concepts of karma. The sources of Scientology are presumably [1,14]:

- cheap science fiction;

- ideas of psychology of Hubbard's time, plucked from popular science literature (now quite outdated);

- the teachings of neo-Buddhism and neo-Hinduism, simplified by the masters of European theosophy;

- occultism (magic and Satanism), in particular, the works of the notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley, whose heirs repeatedly accused Hubbard of plagiarism; No less striking evidence is the symbolism of Scientology: a crossed cross, thirteen clovers, etc.

The term "Scientology" is deciphered by adepts as "the study of knowledge." At first, Hubbard tried to present his Dianetics as a science, but having met with complete rejection from scientists, he was forced to give it a religious "cover". Scientologists try in every possible way to give their teachings a tinge of science: their literature is saturated with self-made special scientific-sounding terms and abbreviations (newspeak), computer methods, tests, and graphs are used. However, there is no true science in learning. It all comes down to studying the dogmas set forth in Hubbard's books. Any spoken or written word of the founder is considered "holy scripture." In reality, Scientology is a mixture of information from psychology, black magic, the occult and science fiction, multiplied by an unquestioning belief in the infallibility and genius of the Founding Father Hubbard, and the organization he created.

Hubbard views the workings of consciousness through the functioning of two parts: the "analytical" mind, which is responsible for solving life's problems, and the "reactive" mind. The "reactive" mind stores sensory records of traumatic events, the so-called "engrams," which are seen as an obstacle to achieving success in life. The goal of Dianetics is to remove such engrams, which is achieved with the help of special procedures - "auditing". This is a kind of communication-confession, during which you are obliged to tell the auditor about everything that he asks you, including your personal life, about relatives and icons, their occupations, etc.

As a result of such a process of purification, an individual with superhuman abilities appears - a "clear", and in essence a person devoid of a sense of empathy, moral principles, and conscience. To a certain extent, the cleansing of engrams resembles the psychoanalytic technique of liberation from neurotic complexes, but for Hubbardists it is aimed at the development of moral stupidity, and most importantly, it forms in the adept the so-called dependent personality disorder - the goal of all totalitarian sects.

Scientology teaches that beyond the body and mind there is a peculiar, basic element of the personality, the "thetan," which represents the human spirit or life energy, and which has supernatural powers. The thetan is believed to have existed for 300 trillion years, moving from body to body or traveling through the universe. In Hubbard's view, thetans can leave the body they inhabit and exist outside of any physical body outside of the physical universe. This spirit or life energy must be understood in such a way that we can advance to a higher level of existence, where we will not be affected by all the troubles and pangs of conscience in life. This is the way to achieve a state of complete mental freedom or the state of "Operating (Acting) Thetan" (OT). This state is achieved after a person has passed the state of "clear".

According to Scientology doctrine, the attainment of OT is the key to immortality. OT is able to control physical matter, energy, space and time. It is postulated that anyone who uses Scientology technology can become a self-determined, truly god-like being, not limited by the dimensions of space and time.