«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Petition for the possessed:

"Let us all pray fervently for those who are possessed by unclean spirits, that the loving God through Christ may rebuke unclean and evil spirits, and deliver His servants or the powers of the adversary, that He Who rebuked the legion of demons (Mark 5:9) and the wicked devil, may Himself now rebuke the apostates of piety, and deliver His creatures from their action, and cleanse those whom He created with great wisdom. We still pray fervently for them, save and restore them, O God, by Thy power."

Prayer: "He who bound the strong and plundered all his belongings (Matt. 12; 29,), Who gave us the power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and on all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19), Who gave us the murder^ of the serpent bound like a sparrow to children, Thou Whom all fear, trembling before Thy power, Who cast him down like lightning from heaven to earth, not by throwing him from one place to another, but from honor to dishonor, for his voluntary malice; Thou Whose gaze dries up the deeps, Whose threat melts the mountains, and the truth endureth for ever, Whom babes praise and suckling children bless, Whom the angels sing and worship, Who lookest upon the earth and causes it to tremble, Who touches the mountains and they smoke, Who rebuke the sea, and dries up it and the rivers themselves, Who destroys all things, To Whom the clouds are the dust of His feet; Thou who walkest on the sea as on dry land, O Only-begotten God, Son of the Great Father, rebuke the evil spirits, and deliver the creatures of Thy hands from the work of the hostile spirit, for to Thee be glory, honor, and reverence, and through Thee to Thy Father, in the Holy Spirit for ever. Amen."

Prayer for the departure of the soul.

"O Lord, Lord Almighty, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who desires salvation for all men and the knowledge of the truth, Who desires not death for the sinner, but for his conversion and life. We pray and beseech Thee, release the soul of Thy servant (or Thy servant) from all bonds, free him (her) from all curse and forgive him (her) the sins committed from his youth in deed and word, consciously and unconsciously, both sincerely confessed, and concealed through forgetfulness or shame. For Thou alone loosest the bonds of the bound and restore the prostrate, Thou alone is the hope of the despairing, and Thou art able to forgive the sins of every man who trusts in Thee. Command, O Lord, that he (she) may be freed from the bonds of the flesh and sin. And receive into the kingdom of peace the soul of Thy servant (name) and give it rest in eternal abodes with Thy saints, by the grace of Thy Only-begotten Son, our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, with Whom Thou art blessed, and with Thy Most-Holy, Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and always, and unto the ages of eternity. Amen."

VII. From the rite of the funeral service (on Meatfare Saturday), pannikhida and burial of the dead.

Stanzas on "Lord I Have Cried", ch.8: 1. "Remembering all the dead, who from the beginning of the world have lived piously, let us, believers, sing praises to the Saviour and Lord, earnestly asking that they may give an answer in the hour of judgment to Him, our God Himself, the Judge of all who live on earth, and with joy be vouchsafed to stand on His right side, on the side of those who please Him, having received participation with the saints in His bright and eternally blessed Heavenly Kingdom." 2. "Saviour, Thou hast redeemed men with Thy blood, hast delivered us from bitter death by Thy death, and by Thy resurrection hast given us eternal life, give rest, O Lord, to all those who have died in piety, wherever they may end their lives, whether in deserts or cities, in the sea or on earth, all rulers, priests, bishops, monks, and laymen of all ages, and vouchsafe them Thy heavenly kingdom." 3. "Christ, through Thy resurrection death no longer possesses those who have died in godliness. Therefore we pray to Thee diligently: give rest to Thy servants (or Thy servant) in Thy blessed dwelling, where Abraham dwells, all who from Adam to the present day have served Thee faithfully, our fathers and brothers, friends and relatives together, and have migrated to Thee in many different ways. O God, vouchsafe them all Thy heavenly kingdom." Slava: "I cry and weep... p.247 (see below Samoglasny, ch.8). In the verse ibid., ch.6: "The beginning of my being... p.247»Stanzas on Praise, ch.8: