«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Psalm 115: "I believed, and therefore I said, I am greatly afflicted. I said in my rashness, Every man is a lie. What shall I repay the Lord for all His good deeds to me? I will receive the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will render my vows to the Lord before all his people. Dear in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. O Lord, I am Thy servant, I am Thy servant, and the son of Thy servant; Thou hast loosed my bonds. To thee will I offer a sacrifice of praise, and I will call upon the name of the Lord. I will make my vows to the Lord before all his people in the courts of the house of the Lord in the midst of you, O Jerusalem. Hallelujah."

Ode 1. Irmos, ch. 2: "Come, people, let us sing a song to Christ God, Who divided the sea and led the people freed by Him from Egyptian slavery, for He was glorified."

Refrain: "Lord, have mercy on us, Thy fallen creatures, for the sake of Thy Holy Name."

Troparia: 1. "We glorify the three Divine Persons of One nature, the indivisible essence, the Good to Humane God, Who grants us the forgiveness of sins." 2: "One pre-substantial and in the unity of the Godheads! O Lord, Who shines upon our faces, enlighten us and vouchsafe Thy Divine light." 3. "The Apostle Paul, adorning the Church of the Gentiles as a bride, taught us to worship Thee, the One Triune God, of Whom, in Whom, and in Whom are all things."

Chorus: "Create a pure heart. in me, O God, and renew the right spirit within me." Troparion: 1. "With the bread that gives eternal life and for healing from many different diseases, may Thy Holy Body and Thy Precious Blood be unto me, O Merciful Lord."

Refrain: "Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me." Troparion: 2. Defiled by indecent deeds, I, unfortunate, am unworthy of communion of Thy Most-Pure Body and Divine? Blood, O Christ, but vouchsafe me him."

Refrain: "Most Holy Mother of God, save us." Troparia: 1; "In the midst of many trials, in search of salvation, I run to Thee, O Mother of the Word and Virgin, save me from grievous calamities." 2. "I am troubled by attacks of passions, which fill my soul with great despondency. Pacify her with the peace of Thy Son and God, O All-Blameless One." 3. "To Thee, Who gave birth to the Saviour and God, I pray, O Virgin, for my deliverance from calamities. And now, running to Thee, I stretch out both my soul and my thoughts."

Chorus: "Holy Guardian Angel, pray to God for me"; Troparia: 1. "To the vigilant guardian of my soul, the defender of my life and the guide received from God, I praise you, Holy Angel of God Almighty." 2. "Enveloped in the dark night and covered with the black darkness of passions, illumine me with the light of repentance, my guide, protector and guardian", 3. "A filthy and gloomy flood of shameful thoughts overflows in me, separating my mind from God. Drain him, my intercessor." Theotokos: "Blessed Bride of God, fertile land, Who brought forth the uncultivated and saving Ear of the world. Vouchsafe me to be saved by taking Him for food."

P. 3. And: "Having established me on the rock of faith, Thou hast opened my mouth against my enemies, for my spirit has rejoiced, singing, 'There is none so holy as our God, and there is none righteous besides Thee, O Lord.'"

Troparia of St. Trinity: 1. "Thou, O three-bright God, having established the heavenly ranks, commanded them to glorify Thee with three holy songs. Receive us together with them, who sing of Thy goodness." 2. "Singing of one unchanging, triune, of one nature and one Divinity, we fervently pray to Thee: grant us now the forgiveness of many sins." 3. "Fatherless Mind, of the same essence with Him is the Word of God and the Divine, Good and True Spirit! Preserve with faith those who glorify Thy might, as the Merciful."

To the Saviour: 1. "Give me, O Christ, drops of tears that cleanse the impurity of my heart, so that conscientiously cleansed by faith and fear I may approach the communion of Thy Divine Gifts, O Master." 2. "Lover of mankind, may Thy Most Pure Body and Divine Blood be unto me unto forgiveness" of sins, unto communion with the Holy Spirit, unto deliverance from suffering and sorrow, and unto eternal life.

To the Mother of God: 1. "I consider Thee, Mother of God, the Virgin, to be the protection and protection of my life. As a helmsman, direct me to Thy harbor, O author of good things, support of the faithful, Alone, glorified in song." 2. "I beseech Thee, O Virgin, to dispel the confusion of my soul and the storm of my sorrow: for Thou, the Bride of God, the Only Most Pure, hast given birth to the Fountain of silence – Christ." 3. "Virgin, help me, who am afflicted with grievous infirmities and painful passions, for I know Thee, the Most Immaculate, as an inexhaustible and inexhaustible treasury of healings."

To the Angel: 1. "Having existence from the mixture of earth, clay and dust, I am nailed to the earth. Io, O my protector, guide and deliverer, turn my aspiration to the heavenly." 2. "I have become the cause of your despondency and sorrow, since I remain unrepentant and incorrigible. Therefore, let me sincerely repent and rejoice you, my guardian." 3. "Invisibly contemplating the face of God, sitting in heaven, spiritually gazing upon the earth and making it waver, pray for my salvation, Holy Angel." Theotokos: "The Most Holy Table of the Bread of Life, which by mercy descended from above and givest new life to the world, vouchsafe me also, unworthy, to taste Him with fear and to be alive."

Clause 4. And: "Thou didst come not as a messenger, not as an angel, but Thyself, the Lord incarnate of the Virgin, and saved all of me. Therefore I cry out to Thee, Glory to Thy power, O Lord."