«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

To the Mother of God: 1. "Deliver us from troubles, Pure Mother of God, Who gave birth to Eternal Deliverance and Peace that surpasses all understanding." 2. "Dispel the fog of my sins with the rays of Thy brilliance, Thou, the Bride of God, Who gave birth to the Divine and Eternal Light." 3. "Heal, O Pure One, the infirmity of my soul, having vouchsafed me Thy mercy, and by Thy prayers give me health."

To the Angel: 1. "Standing with great boldness before the Throne of the Almighty and rejoicing around the Giver of creation, pray, my defender, that you grant me forgiveness of my many crimes. 2. "Seeing the torments and plagues that await me, and looking at my hardness, madness and blindness, you, my deliverer, groan pitifully, grieve and are darkened, full of despondency." 3. "Not for a single hour, not for a moment, or even shorter, did I, constantly corrupted by sins, allow you, my benefactor and guardian, to rejoice, to rejoice, and to rejoice over me." Theotokos: "Mary, Mother of God, sacred temple of fragrance, by Thy prayers make me a chosen vessel, that I may partake of the holy things of Thy Son."

Clause 6. And: "Immersed in the abyss of sins, I invoke the infinite abyss of Thy mercy: O God, save me from perdition."

Troparia of St. Trinity: 1. "Grant wisdom and understanding to those who glorify Thee, the Three-Light Divinity, and vouchsafe all illumination with the longed-for rays of Thy light-giving goodness." 2. "Undivided Light in essence, thrice-radiant, omnipotent, unapproachable, enlighten the hearts of those who glorify Thy power with faith, and stir them up to Divine love." 3. "Father and Son with the Holy Spirit, look upon us who worship Thee in faith and glorify Thy power, O Merciful One, for we, who are perishable with the fiery angels, know no other God besides Thee, and cry out to those who sing praises to Thee: I am with you, and no one is against you."

To the Saviour: 1. "Sanctify my mind, soul, and heart, as well as my body, O Saviour, and vouchsafe, O Lord, to approach the terrible Mysteries without being condemned." 2. "May I be freed from suffering, and may I receive the increase of Thy grace and the strengthening of life through the communion of Thy Holy Mysteries, O Christ."

To the Mother of God: 1. "I know You, Virgin, as the Protector and firm Guardian of life, dissipating the cloud of temptations and driving away the attacks of demons, and I always pray to Thee to save me from my pernicious passions." 2. "Reliable protection of Christians, unfailing Intercessor before the Creator, do not despise the prayerful voices of sinners, but hasten, O Merciful One, to help us, who with faith cry out to Thee: hasten to intercession, hasten to prayer, O Mother of God, Who always protects those who worship Thee." 3. "Do not entrust me to human protection, O Most Holy Mother of God, but accept the prayer of Thy servant, for sorrow has seized me: I cannot endure the arrows of demons, and, being subjected to the attacks of enemies from everywhere, I have neither shelter nor shelter except Thee, Lady of the world, the hope and protection of the faithful. Do not despise my prayer, but do what is good for me."

To the angel: 1. "Do not leave, my guardian, to guard and protect me around, repelling the attacks of demons and each time repelling their attacks on me like beasts, for in you I have an ardent intercessor." 2. "Thou, most precious and fragrant myrrh, do not despise my stench, do not depart from me to the end, but always be my inseparable guardian, for even the sun, making its way over unclean places, is not defiled." 3. "May shame and shame cover the shameful, horrible, and gloomy faces of my enemies, when my humble soul is separated from my body; and you, my teacher, cover it with your bright and sacred wings." Theotokos: "God, Word of God, sanctify all of me, who now approach Thy Divine Mysteries through the prayers of Thy Holy Mother." Kontakion: D?? deprive me, O Christ, of the opportunity to receive now Thy Bread-Body, Thy Divine Blood, that I, the wretched one, may not partake of Thy Most Pure and Awesome Mysteries as a condemnation, O Lord, but may it be unto me eternal and immortal life."

Clause 7. And: "The wise youths did not bow down to the golden idol, but, mocking the false gods, they themselves entered the fire, and, watered by the Angel, who soon heard their prayer, in the midst of the flames they sang: Blessed is God, our fathers."

Troparia of St. Trinity: 1. "Grant me, Three-light Unity in hypostatic properties, a firm mind, so that I may keep and observe Thy Divine commandments and constantly sing to Thee with faith: Blessed art Thou, the God of our fathers." 2. "Inexpressibly glorified, as One God in the unity of nature, but numerically trinitarian in persons, preserve us all from various temptations and misfortunes." 3. "We glorify Thee, co-natural, co-eternal, One in essence God, Who is different only in hypostatic properties without merging with a completely similar nature."

To the Saviour: 1. "May the communion of Thy immortal Mysteries, O Christ, now be for me a source of blessings: light, life, peace of mind, a means to progress in the highest perfection and increase it, so that I, glorifying Thee, the Only Most Merciful." 2. "Approaching now with trepidation, love and reverence Thy immortal and Divine Mysteries, may I, O Lover of mankind, be delivered from sufferings and enemies, from troubles and all sorrow, and vouchsafe me to sing to Thee: Blessed art Thou, O Lord, God of our fathers."

To the Mother of God: 1. "O Pure Mother, Who loves mercy, Thou Who was born of Thee, for deliverance from the sins and defilement of souls that cry out with faith: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers." 2. "Thou hast revealed Her who gave birth to Thee as a treasury of salvation, a fountain of immortality, a sure stronghold, and a door of repentance for those who cry out, Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers." 3. "Heal, O Mother of God, the bodily weaknesses and spiritual ailments of those who come to Thy protection with love, O Virgin, Who gave birth to the Savior Christ for us."

To the angel: 1. "Do not cease to powerfully drive away with your flaming sword, my helper, the multitude of invisible robbers attacking me from everywhere, seeking to steal and torment my soul." 2. "As a spirit blossoming with beauty, pleasant and amiable, bright as the sun, appear to me, my teacher, in radiance, with a smile on your face and a cheerful gaze, when I leave the earth." 3. "In the mercy of the heart, in the great abundance of love for mankind, protect me with the veil of your wings, my guardian, when I leave the body, so that I may not see the terrible demonic faces." Theotokos: "Thou didst give birth to the Saviour Christ incomprehensibly for the mind, blessed by God, I beseech Thee now, Thy servant, the Pure and the Unclean: cleanse me, who am now preparing to approach the Most Pure Mysteries of all, from the impurity of the flesh and spirit."

Clause 8. And: "Him who descended into the fiery furnace to the Jewish children and turned fire into dew, praise all creatures as the Lord, and exalt him to all ages."

Troparia of St. To the Trinity: 1. "Grant me quickly the forgiveness of sins and deliverance from the manifold passions, co-natural Trinity, triune Unity, that I may glorify Thee unto all ages." 2. "Glorified for the love of mercy, as the Merciful God, the Three-Light Unity and the Most Blessed Trinity, have mercy on all who glorify Thy greatness." 3. "With faith we glorify from the Eternal Light the Co-eternal Light, the Word born of the Father, together with the Spirit, the light that proceeds, and we exalt it unto all ages."