Nicholas of Serbia, St. - Missionary letters

Peace be upon you and God's blessing.

Letter 3

an educated believing woman who endures ridicule from her loved ones

Respond to their ridicule with a smile. Their ridicule comes from evil hearts; let your smile be harmless. Mockery is always from ignorance, smile from knowledge. By mockery they make your prayer to the eternal Judge more precious. For there is no prayer dearer to the Lord than the prayer of a brave heart, surrounded by the arrows of malice, hatred, mockery and mockery. They are double-edged arrows, but they are blunted by your courage and return to the archers with their point and inflict wounds on them.

King David's wife once laughed at her husband's inspired prayer. This mockery offended God more than King David, and the Most High punished Saul's daughter, and she had no descendants until her death. Those who attentively observe human destinies and events know how severely the Lord punishes mockers of holy things.

And you say to your scoffers, if you think that a word will be a better medicine than silence, say to them: "Does my sight deceive me, or do I really see you praying every day to merchants, elders, and policemen about your needs? Why do you mock me when I pray to the eternal Creator? Is it not ridiculous to pray to the weak? Is it not foolishness to worship the dust and not the Giver of Life and the Lord?"

It is said somewhere in the prophet: "Cursed is everyone who trusts in man" [5]. Obviously, he who puts his trust in mortal man, in a soap bubble, and not in God Almighty, is cursed. And this curse that lies upon him and his house is noticeable every day of his life. It is also clear that cursed is every man who prays only to man and does not pray to Him Who holds all things and can do all things. But, look, sometimes silence is more useful than such words.

The first mockery confuses the prayerful soul. But you have already survived it and have not abandoned prayer. And the next mockery encourages prayer. You say that you have experienced it yourself. Now the Lord is closer to you, and the church is dearer, and prayer is sweeter. Know that the time will come when the ridicule will cease, and there will be approval, wonder, and gratitude; but then your soul will be in greater danger than it is now. Now you are learning humility, and then you will have to defend yourself from pride. And this is another test, another temptation.

Know that it is those who torment us with ridicule who are our enemies. Of them the Lord spoke: love your enemies [6]. Not knowing what they are doing, they are doing us good. By grieving and oppressing us, they kindle the torch of Divine fire in us. Cursing after us when we go to the temple of God, they move us closer to God. By annoying us on earth, they make heaven more desirable to us. Frost and wind do not wish the tree good, but they also unwittingly bring it good. So are your enemies.

Therefore, forgive and bless them, and pray to God for them, and love them as your greatest benefactors after the Lord – this is the pinnacle of love.

But if your soul does not tolerate this insignificant rustling of the dust of the ground, then you will be ashamed before Christ, then He will laugh at you, and not only people and demons.

Visit houses of sorrow more often, visit cemeteries. Think about the Cross of Christ and venerate it more often. Think about the end of life. All this will help you to strengthen your prayerful disposition and gain victory.

Peace be upon you and God's mercy.