Lives of Saints. March

In such confession of his sins and repentance Blessed James dwelt for ten years, all the time living in that burial cave. And he became as a living dead, living among the dead and never appearing among the living. If anyone happened to come to that place, Jacob did not enter into conversation with anyone, if anyone asked him anything, he did not answer a single word, opening his mouth only to pray to God and repent of his sins. His food was the herbs that grew in those desert places, and even these he ate very rarely and little, only so as not to die of hunger. Thus James spent ten whole years in unceasing tears, sighings and prayers, day and night crying out to God, confessing his sins and beating his chest without mercy.

The All-Generous and Most Merciful Lord, Who does not desire the death of the sinner and awaits his conversion, did not despise such a long repentance of Blessed James; hearing his cries and confession of sins, he forgave him his sins and again granted him the grace of wonderworking.

There was no rain and a severe drought in that country. Everyone fasted and prayed, asking God to send rain on the earth. And there was a revelation to the bishop of that city, virtuous and holy. In this revelation he was told:

- If the holy elder living in the burial cave prays to God for you, then all your misfortunes will cease and fruitful rain will pour.

The next day the bishop gathered the clergy and all the people and told him the revelation that had come to him. With a procession of the cross and prayer singing, everyone set off for that cave. Arriving at her, the bishop and all the people began to knock at the closed doors and pray to the God-pleaser that, having mercy on their country, he would pray to God that He would turn away His righteous wrath and rebuke from them and end the drought by sending rain down on the earth. But the blessed one did not answer them from the cave, not daring to raise his eyes to heaven; He only beat his chest and said in his mind:

- Be merciful, O Christ, to my many and grievous sins!

The bishop for a long time earnestly knocked and prayed to James; but having received no answer from him, he returned with all those who had come with him, grieving and weeping. Entering the church, everyone again performed a moleben, shedding tears. Meanwhile, the storm began to rage even more violently, and with it a severe drought and famine; therefore people began to pray to God even more fervently, intensifying their fasting and prayers. Then the bishop again had a revelation, during which he clearly heard a voice saying thus:

"Go to my servant Jacob, of whom I have previously told you, and if he will pray to me for you, you will be delivered immediately from the calamities that have befallen your country."

After this revelation, the bishop again with all the clergy and people went to the cave and fervently besought the servant of God, even pestering him, that he pray for them; then he forcibly opened the door and led the saint out of there. Blessed James, although he did not wish to, raised his eyes to heaven and raised his hands upward, and prayed for these people for a long time. And the prayer was still on his lips, when suddenly abundant rain poured down on the earth, and the storm ceased. For the Lord fulfilled the prayer of him who feared Him and heard his request, manifesting by His very deeds what is written in the prophecy: "Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall hear; you will cry out, and He will say, Here I am!" (Isaiah 58:9).

The bishop and all the people, amazed and at the same time delighted at this most glorious miracle, sang a song of thanksgiving to God with joy and triumph, and greatly honored His holy saint James. And the day on which, through the prayers of Saint James, they were delivered from calamities and received the mercy of the Lord, they established to be celebrated in all years.

The Monk James then received a revelation that God accepted his repentance and forgave his sins. For this reason he again began, by the grace of Christ, to perform many miracles, for all the sick brought and brought from all that country, possessed by some infirmity, immediately received healing, and the demons were driven away by the word of the saint. After a short time, Jacob performed even greater miracles than he had done before his sin.

In the same year that he asked God for rain, Jacob was also informed of his death. Summoning the bishop, the saint bequeathed to him, that after his death his body should be buried in the cave where he lived. After this, after a few days, Blessed Jacob reposed in the Lord, and his holy soul dwelt in the good of his Lord, together with the saints, who had pleased God through repentance. Jacob lived seventy-five years from his birth. The death of the saint immediately became known throughout the whole country, and a great multitude of people flocked to his burial from everywhere, with candles, censers, incense and perfumes; the bishop also arrived with all the clergy, and with the singing of appropriate hymns, anointing the holy body of James with precious aromas, they reverently buried it in that cave, as Saint James himself had bequeathed to the bishop before his death. After a short time, the bishop built a church in the name of this Saint James not far from the cave where he lived, and taking his venerable relics from the cave, he transferred them to the church and established them to celebrate in all years the holy memory of the honorable saint of God, our venerable father James, to the glory of Christ God, glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit unto the ages. Amen.

On the same day is the commemoration of Saint Gregory, bishop of the city of Constantia, on the island of Cyprus, who died in peace.

On the same day the repose of the holy Prince of Moscow Daniel Alexandrovich, in the year 1303.