The Law of God

A great event - the Bright Resurrection of Christ is celebrated by the Holy Spirit. By the Orthodox Church, as the greatest of all feasts. These are the Feast of Feasts and the Triumph of Feasts. This feast is also called Pascha, that is, the Day on which our transition from death to life and from earth to heaven took place. The feast of the Resurrection of Christ lasts a whole week (7 days) and the service in the church is special, more solemn than on all other holidays and days. On the first day of the Feast, Matins begins at midnight. Before the beginning of matins, the clergy, dressed in bright clothes, together with the faithful, with the ringing of bells, with lit candles, the cross and icons, walk around the church (make a procession of the cross), in imitation of the myrrh-bearing women, who went early in the morning to the tomb of the Savior. During the procession of the cross, everyone sings: Thy Resurrection, O Christ the Saviour, the angels sing in heaven: vouchsafe us on earth to glorify Thee with a pure heart. The initial exclamation of Matins is made in front of the closed doors of the church, and the troparion is sung many times: Christ is Risen..., and with the singing of the troparion they enter the church. Divine services are performed throughout the week with the Royal Doors open, as a sign that now, by the Resurrection of Christ, the gates of the Kingdom of God are open to all. On all the days of this great feast we greet each other with a fraternal kiss with the words: "Christ is Risen!" and the answering words: "Truly He is Risen!" All week long all the bells are ringing. From the first day of St. Pascha to Vespers of the Feast of St. Trinity of genuflections and prostrations to the ground is not allowed.

On the Tuesday closest to Easter Week, St. The Church, sharing the joy of the Resurrection of Christ with the dead in the hope of a universal resurrection, especially commemorates the dead, which is why this day is called "Radonitsa". The Liturgy for the departed and the ecumenical pannikhida are performed. It has long been customary on this day to visit the graves of one's close relatives.

Кроме того, день Воскресения Христова вспоминается нами на каждой неделе - в воскресенье.

Тропарь праздника Пасхи

Христос воскресе из мертвых, смертию смерть поправ и сущим во гробех живот даровав.

Христос воскрес из мертвых, смертью победив смерть и дав жизнь находящимся в гробах, т. е. мертвым.

Воскресе - воскрес, ожил; поправ - победив; сущим во гробех - находящимся во гробах, умершим людям; живот даровав - жизнь дав.

Kontakion of the Feast of Pascha

Though Thou didst descend into the grave, Thou didst immortally, but Thou didst destroy the power of hell, and Thou didst rise as a conqueror, O Christ God, Who didst proclaim to the myrrh-bearing women: Rejoice, and grant peace to thy apostles, and grant the Resurrection to the fallen.

Though Thou didst descend into the tomb, O Immortal, Thou didst destroy the power of hell and rose again, as a conqueror, Christ God, announcing to the myrrh-bearing women: Rejoice! and giving peace to Thy apostles, and giving resurrection to those who have sinned!

Hymns of the Feast of Pascha

The angel cried out more gracefully: Pure Virgin, rejoice! And pour out the river: Rejoice! Thy Son is risen from the tomb for three days, and raised up the dead: rejoice, people!

Shine, shine, new Jerusalem! For the glory of the Lord has shone upon thee: rejoice now and be glad, O Zion! Thou art pure, O Mother of God, for the rising of Thy nativity.

The angel cried out to the grace-filled (Mother of God): Pure Virgin, rejoice! And again I say: Rejoice! Your Son rose from the tomb on the third day after death and raised the dead: people, be merry!