Old Testament prophetic schools. Biblical-Historical Etude

20. This can be thought on the basis of 2 Kings 6:21 and 2 Kings 13:14. Cf. 2 Kings 2:12.

21. "Similitude, inquam, mihi in hac locutione videtur desumpta abeo, quod ilia aetate cultores literarum edita urbium aut agrorum loca elegerint, iu quibus scholos suas aperuerunt". Vitringa. Op. cit. P.352.

22. For more details see: M. Verzhbolovich. Cit. cit., p.284286. Oehler writes: "In dem später nicht vorkommenden ben nabi dieser Stelle liegt die letzte Spur der Prophetenschulen". Herzog. RE2. Bd. 12. S.278.

23. According to Ewald's chronological table, this period embraces 111 years.

24. See: Prof. S.S. Glagolev. Supernatural revelation and natural knowledge of God outside the true Church. Kharkov, 1900. P.105.

25. See: Prof. S.S. Glagolev. Supernatural revelation and natural knowledge of God outside the true Church. Kharkov, 1900. P.105.

26. Contra haer. I,9,4. PG. T.7. Col.544AB. Compositions. P.48.

27. Ibid. Col.521,524. Ibidem. P.41.

28. Ibid. Col.521AB. Ibidem. P.41.

29. "Thus did one in describing in the Homeric verses Hercules, who was sent by Eurystheus for the hell-dog, for there is nothing to prevent them from being given as an example, because the methods (dpicerhseij) are the same for both.

He said this, and pitifully sent the groaning man out of the house (Od. X,76)

The husband of Hercules, the accomplisher of wondrous feats (Od. XXI,26),

The husband of Eurystheus, a descendant of Perseis Sthenela (Ill. XIX,123),

To lead the dog away from Erebus from the terrible god Hades (Fig. IV, 368).