Old Testament prophetic schools. Biblical-Historical Etude

13. Ibid. C.1. S.4112.

14. M. Verzhbolovich. Cit. cit., p.11.

15. Kosem from the verb kasam, which means "to conjure". In the Old Testament, kosem means one who tests the will of the gods through incantatory formulas, in general means a superstitious fortune-teller. In this sense, kosem is used about false prophets in Deuteronomy 18:10,14; 2 Kings 17:17; Micah 3:6,7,11; Isaiah 3:2; about Balaam - in Joshua 24:910 (Slavonic "sorcerer"), about the Philistine prophets in 1 Samuel 6:2; also of the Witch of Endor in 1 Samuel 28:7. About the Jewish true prophets, kosem is not used.

16. Such people were also present at the beginning of the prophet Samuel's activity. Samuel did not create prophetic hosts out of nothing, but he called on the former societies to help him in the matter of the religious and moral revival of the people, and he himself leaned on the hosts of prophets. Of course, the formation of the prophetic hosts called to work by Samuel made great progress. Cf. F.M. Zahn. Op. cit. S.2627.

17. This time is "die Heldenzeit des Prophetenthums", as Maybauma put it. Op. cit. S.60.

18. This circumstance is especially emphasized by Keil. Op. cit. S.147148. For the same thing, see: M. Verzhbolovich. Cit. cit., p.248.

19. Such an uninterrupted existence of prophetic schools is conclusively proved by Maybaum. Op. cit. S.4647.

20. This can be thought on the basis of 2 Kings 6:21 and 2 Kings 13:14. Cf. 2 Kings 2:12.

21. "Similitude, inquam, mihi in hac locutione videtur desumpta abeo, quod ilia aetate cultores literarum edita urbium aut agrorum loca elegerint, iu quibus scholos suas aperuerunt". Vitringa. Op. cit. P.352.

22. For more details see: M. Verzhbolovich. Cit. cit., p.284286. Oehler writes: "In dem später nicht vorkommenden ben nabi dieser Stelle liegt die letzte Spur der Prophetenschulen". Herzog. RE2. Bd. 12. S.278.

23. According to Ewald's chronological table, this period embraces 111 years.

24. See: Prof. S.S. Glagolev. Supernatural revelation and natural knowledge of God outside the true Church. Kharkov, 1900. P.105.

25. See: Prof. S.S. Glagolev. Supernatural revelation and natural knowledge of God outside the true Church. Kharkov, 1900. P.105.

26. Contra haer. I,9,4. PG. T.7. Col.544AB. Compositions. P.48.