«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

o 2.150 150. Instruction to a Spiritual Child on a God-Pleasing Life

o 2.151 151. The choice of life path – marriage or monasticism – is possible only once

o 2.152 152. Praise for a Worthy Decision of a Spiritual Child

o 2.153 153. On Distraction in Prayer. On the Coming Appearance of a Comet

o 2.154 154. On the difficulty of parting with loved ones when choosing a path

o 2.155 155. A gradual withdrawal from the world is very difficult, but a sudden withdrawal is even more difficult

o 2.156 156. On the humble in heart is God's blessing

o 2.157 157. Abstinence from idle talk is higher than abstinence from non-essential food

o 2.158 158. After winter comes spring, so let us hope for joy after anguish and suffering

o 2.159 159. Fasting is first of all for the soul, thoughts, words, and then abstinence in food

o 2.160 160. The most important thing is love for our Lord

o 2.161 161. Eating caviar during Lent is a lesser sin than avoiding prayer

o 2.162 162. Only obedience leads to peace and tranquility in the soul

o 2.163 163. On the difference between food reinforcement and gluttony

o 2.164 164. Instruction to those who wish to choose the monastic path

o 2.165 165. Those who enter the monastic path have many temptations

o 2.166 166. От намерения посвятить себя Господу старайтесь ни на иоту не отступать

o 2.167 167. О привычках полезных и вредных, о товариществе худом и добром

o 2.168 168. О сохранении целомудрия

o 2.169 169. Услышав глас, зовущий на служение Господу, должно подчиниться не медля

o 2.170 170. О сетях многих