6The lad who was telling him said, "I happened to come to Mount Gilboa, and behold, Saul fell on his spear, and chariots and horsemen overtook him."

7Then he looked back, and when he saw me, he called me.

8And I said, "Here am I." He said to me, "Who are you?" And I said to him, I am an Amalekite.

9Then he said to me, "Come to me and kill me, for the anguish of death has seized me, and my soul is still in me."

10And I went up to him and killed him, for I knew that he would not live after his fall. And I took the crown that was on his head, and the wrist that was on his hand, and brought them to my lord hither.

11Then David grabbed his clothes and tore them, and so did all the men who were with him.

12And they wept and wept and fasted until evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, and for the people of the LORD, and for the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword.

13Then David said to the lad who was telling him, "Where are you from?" And he said, I am the son of the stranger Amalekite.

14Then David said to him, "How are you not afraid to lift up your hand to kill the Lord's anointed?"

15Then David called one of the youths and said to him, "Come and kill him."

16And he killed him, and he died. And David said to him, Thy blood is on thy head: for thy mouth bore witness against thee, when thou said, I have slain the anointed of the Lord.

17And David wept over Saul and his son Jonathan with this lamentation,

18And he commanded that the children of Judah be taught the bow, as it is written in the book of the Righteous One, and said,

19Thy beauty, O Israel, is smitten in thy heights! How the strong have fallen!