Commentary on the Epistle to Titus by the Holy Apostle Paul

Civil commanders rule over their subordinates by the force of law, so they can show impudence and self-love. The bishop, on the other hand, governs those who are voluntarily subject to him, and he must not go so far as to act autocratically, arbitrarily, and without asking the opinion of his subordinates; for it will be violent.

He is not angry.

Self-love is necessarily followed by anger, from which, of course, the bishop must also abstain. For how can he teach others to curb this passion if he has not taught himself to do so?

Not a drunkard.

That is, an offender. What is the need to insult? Those who are disobedient should be feared by hell, not insulted.

Not a beater.

Neither with beating hands, nor with bitter and bitter words. For he is a doctor. And the doctor rather heals wounds, but does not inflict them himself.

Not greedy.

That is, showing great contempt for wealth. In a bishop, all acquisitiveness, even righteous ones, is shameful.

Но страннолюбив.

Не только не получать прибыль, но и все раздавать странникам.

Любящий добро.

Так называет апостол кроткого, умеренного и независтливого.


То есть чист.


Нелицеприятен в отношении к людям.


То есть благоговейный ко всему божественному, не опускающий ничего в отношении к Богу.


Воздержанному не только в пище, но и на язык, руки и постыдные взоры; ибо в том и состоит истинное воздержание.