The Explanatory Orthodox Prayer Book

Most Merciful Lord! Send us the grace of Thy Holy Spirit, which would give us understanding and strengthen our spiritual strength, so that we, listening to the teaching taught to us, may grow to the glory of Thee, our Creator, to the consolation of our parents, to the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland.

Descend - go down from heaven. Grace is God's help, the saving power of God. Giver - giver. Spiritual forces - mind, heart, will, memory, conscience. In order - in order to. The Church is a community of believers. Fatherland is the country where we were born and live.What do we ask of God in this prayer?We ask God to give us understanding and a desire for learning, so that this teaching may serve for the glory of God, for the consolation of parents and for the benefit of our neighbors.How can we glorify God?We can and must glorify God with a virtuous life.How can we console our parents?We console our parents with good successes in learning, When are we useful to the Church and the Fatherland?Churches are useful when we visit the temple of God, fulfill the rules and statutes of our Church, and take care of the decoration of the churches of God. We are useful to the Fatherland when we love it, pray to God for it, and when we love each other and help each other. Before teaching, instead of this prayer, you can say the prayer: O Heavenly King.

Молитва после учения


Благодарим Тебя, Создатель, за то, что Ты удостоил нас милости Твоей, чтобы внимать учению. Благослови (т.е. награди) наших начальников, родителей и учителей, которые ведут нас к познанию добра, и дай нам силу и здоровье продолжать это учение.

Яко - что. Сподобил - удостоил. Во еже - чтобы. Благо - добро. Крепость - здоровье.В этой молитве мы сначала благодарим Бога за то, что Он помогает нам учиться; потом просим, чтобы Он наградил Своей милостью начальников, родителей и учителей, старающихся научить нас добру, и дал нам силы и здоровье продолжать учение.

Молитва перед вкушением пищи

In Russian:

The eyes of all are turned to Thee, O Lord, with hope, and Thou givest food to all in due season; Thou openest Thy generous hand, and satisfies all that lives according to Thy desire (Psalm 144:15-16).

Eyes - eyes. On Thee - on Thee. They hope - they hope. In good time - in due time. If you open it, you open it. An animal is a living being, everything that lives. Benevolence is a good disposition towards something, towards someone, mercy.What do we ask of God in this prayer?We ask God to bless us with food and drink in health.What is understood under the hand of the Lord?Under the hand of the Lord is understood here the giving of good things to us (Matt. 6:26).What is the meaning of the words: Thou dost do every animal of good will?These words mean that the Lord cares not only for people, but also about animals, birds, fish, and in general about all animals. Instead of this prayer before lunch and dinner, you can read the Lord's Prayer: Our Father.

Prayer after eating food

In Russian:

We thank Thee, Christ our God, that Thou hast nourished us with Thy earthly blessings; do not deprive us of Thy Heavenly Kingdom.

In this prayer we thank God for having fed us with food and drink, and we ask that He not deprive us of His Heavenly Kingdom.