The Explanatory Orthodox Prayer Book

In Russian:

Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner.

Whose prayer is this?This is the prayer of the publican (tax collector), who repented of his sins and received forgiveness, as can be seen from the parable of the publican and the Pharisee (Luke 18:10-14).What do we ask of God in this prayer?We ask God to be merciful to us sinners, that is, to forgive us our sins and not punish us for them.When do we need to say this prayer?We need to say it just as often, how often we sin. As soon as we sin, we must immediately repent of our sin before God and say this prayer.

Prayer to Jesus Christ, the Son of God

In Russian:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us (show mercy to us). Amen.

Radi - for, by. To whom is this prayer?To Jesus Christ, the Son of God.Who is Jesus Christ, the Son of God?The Second Person of the Holy Trinity, our Saviour [1].What do we ask of the Lord in this prayer?We ask God to have mercy on us through the prayers of the saints, i.e. to be merciful to us and forgive our sins.Who is the Most Pure Mother of the Lord?The Most Holy Virgin Mary, chosen for the special holiness of her life as a Mother to the Son of God, when He, eternally living as God, wanted to appear on earth as a man for the salvation of people [2].Who are the saints?Saints are people who lived on earth piously and are now in heaven together with God and pray to Him for us. Such, for example, are the prophets, apostles, saints, martyrs, and others. Through their prayers, and especially through the prayers of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, God has mercy on us.When is this prayer pronounced?This prayer, like the prayer of the publican, should be in the mind and heart of a Christian as often as possible, because, constantly sinning before God, we must constantly turn to Him with a request for mercy. This prayer is pronounced shorter: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us, or even shorter: Lord, have mercy! In the last abbreviated version, it is pronounced in church, during divine services, often up to 40 times continuously.Here are the earthly life of Jesus Christ in brief words: the Son of God descended from heaven for our salvation, received sinless human flesh from the Most-Pure Virgin Mary through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit on it, and lived on earth as a man for more than 33 years. Until the age of 30, He lived in the poor Galilean city of Nazareth with His mother, Mary, and Her betrothed, Joseph, sharing his household labors and his trade (Joseph was a carpenter). Then He appeared on the Jordan River, where He was baptized by His Forerunner John. After baptism, He spent 40 days in the wilderness in fasting and prayer; here He withstood temptation from the devil and from here He appeared into the world with a sermon about how we should live and what to do in order to receive the Kingdom of Heaven. The preaching and the whole life of Jesus in general were accompanied by numerous miracles. In spite of this, the Jews, rebuked by Him for their lawless life, hated Him. Their hatred grew to the point that after many tortures they crucified Him on the cross between two thieves. Dying on the cross and buried by His secret disciples, He rose again by the power of His omnipotence on the third day after His death, and after His resurrection He repeatedly appeared to believers for 40 days, revealing to them the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. On the 40th day, in the presence of His disciples, He ascended to heaven, and on the 50th day He sent them the Holy Spirit, enlightening and sanctifying every person. On the part of the Savior, suffering and death on the cross were a voluntary sacrifice of God's justice for the sins of people. ^Here in brief words is the life of Presv. The Virgin Mary: the parents of the Virgin Mary were the pious elders Joachim and Anna. Being childless, they asked God for their offspring, promising to dedicate it to God, God heard their prayers, and they had a daughter, who was named Mary. When She was 3 years old, Her parents brought Her to church, where She lived until the age of 14 and was engaged in reading the Holy Scriptures, praying and handicrafts. In the 15th year, according to custom, She had to be given in marriage, but She did not want this, because She promised to always be a Virgin. Then the priests, by the inspiration of God, betrothed (entrusted) Her to Her distant relative, who lived in Nazareth, the elder Joseph, so that he would nourish and preserve Her. Here, in Nazareth, the Presv. The Virgin received heavenly news from the Archangel about the birth of the Son of God from Her in the flesh, Who was born of Her in the cave of Bethlehem. After the death of Jesus Christ, She lived in the house of John the Theologian and was for him instead of a mother. Her dormition (death) followed 15 years after Christ's ascension to heaven. Her death, according to tradition, was miraculous: She died in the presence of the Apostles, miraculously brought to the place of Her death on clouds from various countries. The Lord Himself appeared with the holy angels and peacefully took Her soul. On the third day after the Dormition, Her body was taken to heaven. ^

Small Doxology

In Russian:

Glory to Thee, O our God. Glory to You.

What kind of prayer is this? Laudatory. With it we express reverence for God, as the most perfect being, and begin a series of other prayers. This prayer is pronounced in short: Glory to God. In this abbreviated form, we say a prayer when we finish some good deed, for example, study, work; when we receive some good news, etc.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

In Russian:

Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, Who is everywhere and fills all things, Giver of all good and life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all impurity, and save, O Merciful One, our souls.