Hieromartyr Andronik (Nikolsky)

Then I offered them a treat for the first time - I gave them a box of cookies. At this time, some of the Christians who were leaving the congregation came and said goodbye. Then Peter Kawagutsi came to me; in conversation he told me about a weakened Tsikahara family.

There are three of them, but they are completely behind the church. It turns out that they are not even included in the metric and, obviously, none of our people knows them. Kawagutsi also gave their address in detail; I will certainly try to find and do what God blesses. From exactly 1 o'clock there was a women's monthly meeting; in it two Christian women give sermons, explaining the New Testament; and then they collect 10 or 5 yen each per month; With this money, they help various unfortunate people or do what is necessary for the church. Only about 10 Christian women gathered today; only one spoke the teaching, for the other did not come; then the catechists spoke; But I didn't understand them all well. Then they collected money; I also gave 1 yen. I said nothing myself, as this would be my first meeting, and I decided only to acquaint myself with the matter. I did not go to the Christians today, since the catechists had already dispersed, although I had been talking about this Sakuma for the third day. Having told Vladyka about this, I write to him.

"I wrote to you that the Akashi is asking for a catechist. But in addition to the opinion I expressed earlier, in order to gradually accustom Christians by their own means to participate in and create the needs of the Church, I propose: is it not possible now to begin preaching at the expense of Christians?

That is, is it possible to offer the pagans Akashi: if you really want to listen to the teaching, then support a catechist and give him so much per month for this. Perhaps this will make it difficult for the pagans to quickly join the Church; but there will be more security for the business. Then only those who really desire it will listen; And you can always find those who are really poor and unable to pay. After all, there is no need to chase the number of baptisms for the Kingdom of God and for salvation; Let it be a little, but strong. How do you think? And if such a combination is possible, then how much is needed from the audience for a catechist?" I wrote: "In the meantime, let's wait a little and correct and buy a new one. Let us see how this work will take root and go; then it will be possible to do what is necessary; And now those who wish can strum on this creaking machine."

On June 1/13 in the evening I went to see Maruyama Theodora; she and her daughter are engaged in combing women's hair, and therefore it is as if she does not have the opportunity to come to church for much work; I told her that she would leave the Church completely, for if you do not do something today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, then you will not do it out of habit, and then you will become completely cold to it; so remember one thing, that we will all die, and then answer before God: what then shall we say to Him about our separation from Him? So, from time to time, at least take turns, come to church, and during this fast, be sure to confess. Although during my words she even shed tears (which I have not yet met), but her nature is too callous; however, I may be mistaken: it seemed so to me from appearances. We asked her about Tsikahara, about whom Kawagutsi spoke yesterday; and she knows such a Christian and has indicated his place approximately. We went to look for him, but all our numerous inquiries along the street led to nothing; No one knows such a thing here. Maybe Kawagutsi was a little mistaken; Let's ask him again and find it. We came to Kishimoto Aquilina; she is only with her schoolboy son Kirill; conducts a small, but very brisk trade; says that she cannot even leave; Can she come on Saturday evening, and really did come on this Saturday; I said that this is for the salvation of the soul, and therefore at least sometimes, stop trading on a feast day in order to come to church to pray; And during Lent, be sure to confess, especially since you have not yet confessed this year. He sends Kirill to Sunday school, but since he is very far from church (and really very far away), he finds it difficult to be alone; I advised him to read the Gospel at least at home and to pray in the morning and evening, otherwise his heart would gradually grow cold to God. She seems to be a good woman after all, but, of course, she does not want to lose income by closing the shop on a holiday. Perhaps he will heed and rise. Then we went to see Sirai Andrew, a doctor, a very zealous Christian, almost the whole family always attends the service. I encouraged him and others to be encouraged to the Church; for that is the only point; we are here only temporarily, and then we will pass over to God, and if we are worthy, we will live in His Kingdom, and if not, then in darkness and torment. So, apart from this, there is no other meaning in life; we must gradually ascend to God. Since all these weakened people did not go through prayer properly, they do not understand that only in it is true joy, for we live in it with God. At half past 10 o'clock we returned.

June 2/14. On the occasion of the rain, I did not go out to the Christians, but took advantage of this free evening for a bath. And today we first went to Nakayama Anna. Her husband is a pagan, her eldest son is a Protestant. The husband listened to the Protestants, but remained undecided. Anna does not go to church, she did not confess this year; says that it is difficult for her to get out; There are seven children, and it is very far away (indeed, quite on the edge of the city). And we are told that it is the husband who prevents this; I did not find this: he met us and immediately told his wife about it and sent her away; She listened very attentively and with pleasure to my words. It has both an icon and an oil at the top; on Easter she decided to be in church, but, unfortunately, she fell ill. I told her that she had to try somehow to come to church from time to time. During Lent, he advised us to confess and take communion: we must constantly remember our sins and repent before God, but we often forget this in the midst of many works; therefore, although during the fasts we must certainly come to God and repent. He advised me to talk with my husband about learning; She is very sorry that the family is so diverse in faith: she herself lived in a Christian family from birth and was a Christian. Since she does not have a calendar and a prayer book, I promised to give them to her when she came to church. From here we went to the Eye of Nina; the husband died a pagan last year; a big daughter Olga, and a boy born in Japan, not yet baptized; I advised him to baptize during Lent. He does not go to church, because they are lonely, and far away; I repeated what Nakayama had said and added: we are always close to death, and this is what we must remember; after death we shall come before God, and what answer shall we give to Him? Today we performed a pannikhida for a certain Tita Utsikava; he had not gone to church for a long time, had not confessed, and so he died; That's the end we have to run. And this is what will happen: today we are lazy for God, but tomorrow there is no time to pray and so on, and the day after tomorrow laziness and weakness will overcome us out of habit, and we will completely lose the habit of God and prayer to Him, and our hearts will fall spiritually.

It must have struck a chord, for Nina even shed tears.

I advised them to go to church at least in turn from time to time. Then we went to Massui Marina, whom we had not seen before; her son Anthony lives in Kobe. She is a very cheerful woman, she knows many Christians. She does not go to church, because she is constantly at work, and she is completely alone in the house. I told her, among other things, that it is very pleasant for us if our children are very good; all the more so to God, if we are really His good children. And in truly fulfilling the life of the Church, we live with God, according to His word: for how much joy it is for you if your friends and relatives gather to you; all sorrows are forgotten here; so infinitely greater joy in the truly ecclesiastical life of Christians; among them Christ is really. This was the strength of the first Christians, and in the midst of persecution they preserved a strong faith, which we have now accepted, and therefore we must preserve it and really live by it, since we are called believers. During Lent, he advised me to confess without fail.

He advised us to talk little by little about Christ in conversations with the pagans, so that we accomplish the work of saving people, for the sake of which everything was done by God. Last Sunday she was at the vigil, as she is sometimes free in the evening. At about 10 o'clock we returned.

Вышеупомянутого Тита никто из наших на знал; а когда он третьего дня умер, то дальняя родственница его Маруяма Феодора (о которой я писал прежде) и сказала об этом отцу Сергию; он и совершил погребение, а сегодня панихиду. Приходили и дети его язычники; им он и разъяснил немного смысл всего этого дела молитвы; семья совсем бедная. Я советовал отцу Сергию в воскресенье разъяснить хри стианам, как опасно ослабевать в деле веры: ведь мы всякий час можем умереть, тогда что же сможем сделать для себя? А церковь, как истинно любящая мать, вот как любит своих чад: она и по отошедшим от нее и отвергнувшим ее любовь молится; следовательно, как нужно дорожить этой ее любовью! А потом советовал призвать на общую молитву и совершить панихиду.

О панихиде по покойному Титу я и не знал бы, если бы случайно не зашла ко мне Маруяма Феодора; она мне и сказала.

Июня 4/16 принимали от Миками Георгия его бумажную работу во всем доме; все сделал исправно и красиво. После выдачи ему денег за работу (62 иены) я немного побеседовал с ним и с отцом Сергием.

Теперь и церковь стала весьма красивая, в ней и молиться-то будет приятнее; поэтому христиане исправно должны теперь собираться на богослужение. В России из дальних деревень христиане приезжают целыми семьями в церковь, дома оставляя только кого-нибудь одного из семьи; в обыкновенное воскресенье в церкви дышать трудно.

Конечно, летом и там не так исправно, как зимой, приходят в церковь, так как уезжают верст за 10 на покосы и там живут всем домом.