The Mystery of Reconciliation

Depart from me, you cursed, I was hungry, and you did not give me food, I was thirsty, and you did not give me to drink, I was sick and in prison, and you did not visit me.

And they will also be surprised:

Lord, when did all this happen, when did we not serve You?

Inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me. They will go into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life (cf. Matt. 25:3446).

This is the Gospel about the Last Judgment. A person begins to work on himself, to strive for God, and suddenly he realizes that he is full of sins, that in the state in which he is now, he is completely alien to the Kingdom of Heaven, and his life is subject to hell and torment, that the words depart from me, the cursed do not refer to some unknown people, but to him personally.

Who are those to whom the Lord said the accursed? For it was not about robbers, murderers, persecutors, He did not say to any of them: "Depart from Me, for you have killed, stolen, committed fornication, and committed other lawless things." The Lord does not name a single sin of these people. These damned ones seem to have lived their lives like many of us: just taking care of themselves, paying attention to themselves, and not noticing any other life but their own. That's all. These people did not do anything so repulsive. Maybe they had nothing to judge themselves harshly for. And their lives are subject to damnation.

What is the meaning of being Christians? How are we different from others? Why does the Lord ask us so severely? God is one, but there are many and many different faiths. What difference does it make in which God a person believes? All religions call to be honest, good, not to kill, not to steal. Everyone thinks so. And Christians think so. What is required of me, a Christian? I don't do anything bad to anyone: I lend to those who pay back debts, I help whoever needs it, I love those who love me. And everything is fine with me, a Christian. My conscience does not convict me. But the Gospel convicts.

The Lord treats us in a completely different way. He calls us His children, and He calls Himself our Father. Be ye as merciful as your Father which is in heaven (Luke 6:36). That is, be not believers, not religious, but children of God. This means that one must unite with God, truly become completely equal to Him, feel with completely different feelings, determine one's life by completely different actions, as the Lord commands.

And it may turn out that the Kingdom of Love, to which people somehow strove, somehow imagined it, will suddenly turn out to be inaccessible for one simple reason: they imagined the Kingdom of Love differently from what it really is. Another love is spoken of. About the love that makes a person merciful. About the love that makes a person humble. About the love that makes a person perfect in Christ.

But now he no longer condemns himself for the weakness of his love, only marvels at the infinity of God.

It was on earth that he repented, not yet knowing what repentance was. In heaven, the judgment over oneself turned out to be the fullness of love.

Lev Karsavin

To live according to the laws of the Kingdom of Heaven is unbearably difficult for us. And in this is the basis for the most terrible torment. It is painful for a person to live a spiritual life.

It is painful to be close to Christ. It is very difficult and unpleasant to completely submit oneself to the laws of that love, according to which the Kingdom of Heaven lives and according to which the very Last Judgment takes place. Let there be no judgment, but the love with which the Lord came into the world will become the light in which each person will be seen: he is Christ's own or someone else's; There is at least a little bit of such love in him, or he has not acquired anything in his life. That's the whole trial. And He will not ask anything else. The Lord will not tell us any more. And simply by His love, each of us will be so scorched that for someone this love will become hellfire.