Theoretical pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutionsin 2 parts, part 1

The textbook sets out the normative training courses "Theory of Education" and "Management of Educational Systems". It systematically examines the main issues of modern didactics and the theory of education management.

The textbook is compiled in accordance with the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the specialties "Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education", "Social Pedagogy", the direction "Pedagogy" and the author's training courses.

The author is Cand. Ped. S. Divnogortseva, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education of St. Tikhon's Orthodox University, examines in the textbook both general issues of didactics and issues directly related to the didactics of primary school.

The manual is intended for university students studying in pedagogical specialties.

It is recommended for university students studying pedagogy as a discipline in the humanities, as well as students of theological educational institutions and theological faculties preparing themselves for teaching.

ru Alexander Mikitenko ExportToFB21, FictionBook Editor Release 2.6 03.12.2010 OOoFBTools-2010-12-3-17-24-5-383 1.0 Theoretical pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutionsin 2 parts St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Institute Moscow 2003 5-7429-0218-2

Theoretical pedagogy


The professional training of a future teacher is based on the study of a number of psychological and pedagogical disciplines. The training course "Theoretical Pedagogy" occupies one of the main places among them. In the process of mastering it, students form basic pedagogical, general methodological (didactic) knowledge and knowledge related to the theory and practice of the educational process.

This textbook is intended primarily for students of the Faculty of Pedagogy of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Institute, studying in the specialty 031200 Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, 03130 Social Pedagogy, in the direction 540600 Pedagogy, as well as for students and researchers of other theological and secular higher educational institutions, clergy and parents interested in the problems of pedagogy in the context of Orthodox cultural Traditions.

The content of the proposed textbook corresponds to the author's curriculum of this course, compiled on the basis of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the specialty 031200 Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, 03130 Social Pedagogy and in the direction 540600 Pedagogy; expanded and supplemented by consideration of some issues from the point of view of Orthodox pedagogical thought.

The purpose of this publication is to prepare students for professional pedagogical activity through the study of the theoretical foundations of general pedagogy in the light of Orthodox pedagogical thinking.

The proposed textbook is one of the attempts to systematize the presentation of general pedagogy in the context of the Orthodox cultural tradition. It contains such tasks of the relevant course as: revealing the spiritual meaning of the teacher's profession; introduction to the basic concepts of pedagogy from the standpoint of Orthodox thinking; the formation of an Orthodox understanding of the essence of the pedagogical process; familiarization with the structure and state of modern secularized pedagogical science.