Theoretical pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutionsin 2 parts, part 1

Theoretical pedagogy


The professional training of a future teacher is based on the study of a number of psychological and pedagogical disciplines. The training course "Theoretical Pedagogy" occupies one of the main places among them. In the process of mastering it, students form basic pedagogical, general methodological (didactic) knowledge and knowledge related to the theory and practice of the educational process.

This textbook is intended primarily for students of the Faculty of Pedagogy of St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Institute, studying in the specialty 031200 Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, 03130 Social Pedagogy, in the direction 540600 Pedagogy, as well as for students and researchers of other theological and secular higher educational institutions, clergy and parents interested in the problems of pedagogy in the context of Orthodox cultural Traditions.

The content of the proposed textbook corresponds to the author's curriculum of this course, compiled on the basis of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the specialty 031200 Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, 03130 Social Pedagogy and in the direction 540600 Pedagogy; expanded and supplemented by consideration of some issues from the point of view of Orthodox pedagogical thought.

The purpose of this publication is to prepare students for professional pedagogical activity through the study of the theoretical foundations of general pedagogy in the light of Orthodox pedagogical thinking.

The proposed textbook is one of the attempts to systematize the presentation of general pedagogy in the context of the Orthodox cultural tradition. It contains such tasks of the relevant course as: revealing the spiritual meaning of the teacher's profession; introduction to the basic concepts of pedagogy from the standpoint of Orthodox thinking; the formation of an Orthodox understanding of the essence of the pedagogical process; familiarization with the structure and state of modern secularized pedagogical science.

The textbook "Theoretical Pedagogy" includes 4 main sections.

The first section "Introduction to Pedagogical Activity" is devoted to the general characteristics of the teaching profession. The content of this section analyzes the essence of pedagogical activity in the light of Orthodox thinking, reveals the importance of moral qualities and professionalism of the teacher in the educational process, considers the question of the spiritual meaning and responsibility of pedagogical service. The section reveals the subject and functions of pedagogy as a science, substantiates its connection with other sciences, and considers the modern system of pedagogical sciences. Here are definitions of the main pedagogical categories from the standpoint of their Orthodox understanding. It should be noted that this section deliberately excludes the traditional issues for the course of the general foundations of pedagogy related to the methodology, methods of pedagogical research and personality development. These issues are currently more detailed and thoroughly set out in the content of such academic disciplines as "Methodology and Methods of Psychological and Pedagogical Research", "Developmental Psychology", "Developmental Pedagogy", "Pedagogical Anthropology", so the author sees no reason for a brief and less professional consideration of them in one of the sections of his textbook.

Второй раздел «Теория и методика воспитания» раскрывает концептуальный взгляд автора на проблемы воспитания: рассматривается соотношение понятий свободы, воспитания и развития; определяются цель, задачи, сущность и структура воспитательного процесса; излагаются принципы его организации; анализируются методы, приемы и средства воспитания; выявляется содержание воспитательного процесса по различным направлениям. В данном разделе описываются методические основы организации воспитательного процесса, принципы его планирования, раскрывается роль семьи, классного руководителя в решении воспитательных задач.

Третий раздел «Теория обучения» рассматривает вопросы, связанные с выявлением структуры и содержания процесса обучения. Здесь излагаются известные принципы и правила обучения, его виды, формы, методы и средства. Раскрывается концептуальный взгляд православной педагогической мысли на сущность процессов обучения, учения, преподавания и образования.

Четвертый раздел «Управление образовательными системами» посвящен выявлению сущности, основных принципов, функций и технологии управления педагогическими системами.

В первую часть пособия вошли разделы «Введение в педагогическую деятельность» и «Теория и методика воспитания».

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