Interpretation of the Gospel

CHAPTER 42. Jesus at the former high priest Annas. Jesus before the Sanhedrin Court. Peter's denial. The second session of the Sanhedrin, at dawn. The Repentance of Judas. Jesus at the former high priest Annas

CHAPTER 43. Jesus at the trial of Pilate. Jesus in Herod. The Secondary Trial of Pilate. The scourging of Jesus. Pilate's Surrender of Jesus to the Sanhedrin

CHAPTER 44. Procession to Golgotha. Crucifix. Jesus and the two thieves. The death of Jesus. The Removal of Jesus' Body from the Cross and His Burial. The Placing of the Guard at the Coffin

CHAPTER 45. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Bribery of the guards by the high priests. The Appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalene. His Appearance to the Myrrh-Bearing Women

CHAPTER 46. The Lord's appearance to the disciples on their way to Emmaus. His appearance to the ten Apostles. A secondary appearance to them and Thomas

CHAPTER 47. The appearance of Christ to the Apostles in Galilee. Ascension of the Lord

CHAPTER 48. What do you think of Christ?

CHAPTER 48. What do you think of Christ?


2. At what hour was Jesus Christ crucified?

Information about the original source

Response of St. John of Kronstadt to the book "Interpretation of the Gospel" by B. I. Gladkov

January 18. 1903

Beloved in Christ, Brother Boris Ilyich!

With the greatest interest I have read both your preface to the highly venerable work of explanation of the Gospel, and fragments of the explanation. The former time of your error and the state of spiritual dissatisfaction and longing for the truth of God served to an amazing refinement of your logical, philosophical mind and to the purification of the heart eye, to the most subtle distinctness and clarity in judgments and matters concerning faith. I received great spiritual satisfaction from reading your explanation.

Your sincere admirer, Archpriest John Sergiev