Interpretation of the Gospel

of the king's son

As Jesus continued to speak in parables, he said to them: "The kingdom of heaven is like the wedding feast that the king has made for his son. The guests were invited by the king to this feast in advance, and therefore could prepare themselves to come to him on the appointed day at his first call; However, they did not go when the king sent his servants to call them. Then the king again sent with him to say that everything was ready, that they were only to stop to begin the feast: come! But still they did not go; some went to their field, others engaged in trade, while others insulted and killed the slaves sent to them. Then the enraged king sent an army, destroyed the murderers and burned their city, but did not cancel the wedding feast, but sent his servants to the crossroads to invite to the feast all who were found, since the feast was ready, and those who were invited were unworthy to take part in it

62. The king goes out to the guests, sees among them a man who is not dressed in wedding clothes, and asks him: "Friend! How did you come here not in wedding clothes?" Then the king ordered his servants to bind his hands and feet and throw him out of the brightly lit royal chambers of the banquet into the outer darkness: let him weep there and gnash his teeth with vexation and cold!"

At the end of this parable, Jesus said:

много званых, а мало избранных.

Притча о брачном пире, весьма сходная по мысли, заключающейся в ней, с притчей о злых виноградарях, служит вместе с тем ее продолжением. Притча о виноградарях оканчивается убиением хозяйского сына, под которым подразумевается Иисус Христос притча же о брачном пире указывает на последствия такого уклонения евреев от Божиего зова. Бог готовил Царство Свое для достойных вступить в него, и на этот брачный пир Сына Своего звал прежде всего евреев, как избранный Им народ; звал Он их через пророков, но они даже не отзывались на их зов, не шли тем путем, который мог привести их на этот пир; звал Он их через Иоанна Крестителя, взывавшего к ним: