Interpretation of the Gospel

In order to approach the solution of this question directly, it was necessary first of all to find out: Was Christ really risen? The answer to this question should have solved many other questions for me. Having considered all the arguments for and against His Resurrection, I am convinced that He really died and was truly resurrected.

And if He was resurrected, if by His own power He raised the dead and healed the dying in absentia, if the storms and the waves of the sea obeyed His word, then it must be admitted that He possessed supernatural power, was outside the laws of nature, dominated them, and did not obey them, and therefore could not be only Man.

If, moreover, His whole life proves that He was sinless, if His sworn enemies, the scribes and Pharisees, were forced to remain silent when He publicly asked them,

Which of you will convict Me of unrighteousness? (John 8:46) - it means that He could not tell a lie.

Having admitted that Jesus Christ could not consciously tell a lie, I had to admit that He could not have been mistaken, since error is the consequence of a frivolous attitude to the investigation of the truth, and light-mindedness is not characteristic of Him.

And if He could not consciously tell a lie, could not be mistaken, then how could He know all that He was talking about?


But all these are secrets that no man, no matter how brilliant he may be, could reveal on his own. They could not have been known to Christ as a man. Declaring them to people as the will of His Father, Who sent Him into the world, He said:

He who sent Me is true, and whatsoever I have heard from Him, that I also say to the world (John 8:26); and in his farewell conversation with the Apostles he said:

Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me; but if not, believe Me according to your very works (John 14:11).

So Jesus says that everything He taught was told to Him by God Himself, and that as He is in God, so is God in Him.