Interpretation of the Gospel
Chapter 18. Healing of the demon-possessed, blind and dumb. The scribes accuse Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub. Refusal of a sign to them. The Coming of His Mother and Brothers to Jesus
CHAPTER 19. Death of John the Baptist. The Return of the Apostles. Feeding the people with five loaves and two fishes. Jesus' walking on water and the salvation of the drowning Apostle Peter. Discourse on the bread of life. The Abandonment of Jesus by Many Disciples
CHAPTER 20. The Election of Seventy Disciples and Sending Them to Preach. The Third Easter. Jesus' teaching about what defiles a person. Jesus' journey to the borders of Tyre and Sidon. Travel through the Decapolis region. Miraculous feeding of 4000 people. Return to Galilee
CHAPTER 21. The Transfiguration of the Lord. The Healing of the Demoniac Whom the Apostles Could Not Heal
CHAPTER 22. Arrival in Capernaum. The dispute of the Apostles about which of them is greater. Instruction to them about humility. It's about temptations. Various instructions to the Apostles. The parable of the merciless debtor. Payment of the temple tax
CHAPTER 23. Jesus' journey to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles. Talk about Him. Jesus' speech about Himself. The order of the chief priests and Pharisees to seize Jesus
CHAPTER 24. A sinner before the judgment of Jesus. Jesus' speech about Himself. Denunciation of the Pharisees. The Pharisees' attempt to kill Jesus
CHAPTER 25. The Healing of a Man Born Blind. The Parable of the Good Shepherd
CHAPTER 26. Jesus in Martha's house. The return of the seventy disciples. A parable about one's neighbor. The Doctrine of Perseverance in Prayer
CHAPTER 27. Denunciation of the Pharisees and lawyers at the Pharisee's dinner. Instructions to students. Discourse on covetousness. The Parable of the Rich Man. The parables of the servants waiting for the return of their master, and of the prudent steward. Jesus' discourse on the news of Pilate's execution of the Galileans. The Parable of the Fig Tree. The Healing of the Crouched Woman