Interpretation of the Gospel of John

Verses 35–37... What hast thou done; Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world: if My kingdom were of this world, My servants would have striven, that they might not have been delivered up by Judah: but now My kingdom is not from here." And Pilate said unto him, Thou art a king; Jesus answered, "Thou sayest that I am the King." [1029] These verses are also explained there.

Verse 37... For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, that I may bear witness to the truth... [1030] First Pilate asked, "Are you the King of the Jews?" And Jesus Christ answered: My kingdom is not of this world, that is, He declared Himself to be King, although not earthly. Then Pilate asked again, "Are you a King?" And the Lord again replied that He was the King. Further affirming that He bears witness to the truth, Jesus Christ seems to be saying: "For this I was born, for this I was incarnate, and I came into the world to teach the truth" (Therefore, as in all other cases I speak the truth, so also now. it means: being King, I was incarnate in order to reign, and I came into the world in order to teach the truth that, being eternal King, I was incarnate to reign forever over those who believe in Me).

Verse 37... (And) everyone who is of the truth will listen to my voice. [1031] Everyone who is of the truth, who loves the truth, hears My voice, believes My teaching.

Verse 38. Pilate said to Him, What is truth?... Wanting to know, Pilate asks Jesus Christ: "What is the truth of which you testify, which you teach?" But knowing that the question he proposed requires time, he leaves Jesus Christ and, immediately going out, tries to protect Him from the attack of the Jews. Vide:

Verse 38... And these rivers went out to Judah, and said unto them, I find not a single fault in him. [1032] Read again the explanation of the words: And ask His hegemon, saying: Are you the King of the Jews? (Matt. 27:11). There you will find an explanation of the stories of Luke and John.

Verse 39. And there is a custom unto you, that I may release unto you one thing at the Passover: Wilt ye that I give you the King of the Jews? [1033] See the interpretation of the words: on (every) feast it is the custom for the hegemon to let go of one people's bond, whom he desires (Matt. 27:15). This verse is also explained there.

Verse 40. And they all cried out, saying, Not of this, but of Barabbas. And Barabbas was a robber. [1034] In the above-mentioned twenty-seventh chapter, the Evangelist Matthew writes: "And the bishops and the elders have brought forth the nations, let them ask Barabbas, but they shall destroy Jesus" (Matt. 27:20). Read the explanation of these words.


Verses 1–3. Then Pilate gave Jesus to drink and beat Him. And the soldiers wove a crown of thorns, and put it on His head, and clothed Him in a scarlet robe, and said, Rejoice, King of the Jews. And I beat Him on the cheek. [1035] All this is explained in the interpretation of the twenty-seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew (John here shortens the story, since the other evangelists have already written about it, but he always tries to insert what they have omitted.

Verse 4. For Pilate went out and said to them, Behold, I will bring him out of the praetorium,[1036] that is, out of the praetorium.

Verse 4... Let you understand, that in Him I find not a single guilt. [1037] Thus said Pilate, desiring to know the opinion of the accusers themselves.

Verse 5. And Jesus came out, wearing a crown of thorns and a scarlet robe. [1038] (Pilate brought Jesus Christ out in such shameful clothing that the Jews, seeing such dishonor of their enemy, would be satisfied with this and calm down).

Verse 5... And she said to them, Behold, Man... Pilate called Jesus Christ a man out of compassion, in order to arouse compassion for Him in them.

Verse 6. And when the bishop and servants saw Him, they cried out, saying, "Crucify Him, crucify Him." As soon as they saw Jesus Christ, like angry dogs, they barked furiously at Him (and like wild beasts sensing their prey, they immediately rushed at Him.