The Ascetic Word

And if our farmer, in his arrogance, decides to leave his teacher and counselor, i.e. the Divine Scriptures, then he begins to act erroneously, seeks out evil thoughts, brings together senseless habits, and grafts into nature what is not peculiar to it, I mean: unbelief, ignorance, hatred, envy, pride, vanity, love of glory, gluttony, covetousness, reproach, and many other similar things; for, forsaking the lawgiver, he himself is forsaken by him. But if, repenting, he condemns himself, he falls down before the lawgiver and says: "I have sinned, I have forsaken you"; then the legislator, according to his inherent love for mankind, immediately accepts him, gives him understanding and good strength to cultivate the field of his nature again, to eradicate bad habits in it and to implant good virtues in their place. And in addition to this, he gives him crowns, showers him with praise. For example: by nature man hungers, but abstains; thirsts, but also endures; has desires, but preserves chastity; burdened with sleep, or possessed by laziness to praise the Lord, but while awake he compels himself to sing God's hymns, and for this he is crowned as having overcome nature and acquired virtues.

Glory therefore to His love for mankind, to the confession of His goodness, and to the worship of His goodness!

He could heal all our spiritual wounds and change us into goodness by force, but He does not want this, lest our will deprive us of His praise. Shall we, then, fail to call upon Him for help and intercession, when He loves and has mercy on us? He has redeemed us and enlightened the eyes of our minds; He has given us the knowledge of Himself, He has given us to taste His sweetness, so that we may fully seek Him. Blessed is he who has tasted of His love and has prepared himself for its constant satiation; for he who is satiated with such love no longer accepts into himself any other love. Who, beloved, will not love such a Lord? Who will not confess and worship His goodness? What excuse shall we have in the day of judgment, if we despise? Or what shall we say to Him? Is it that they have not heard, or knew, and have not been taught? What should He have done that He has not done for us? Did He not descend for us from an immeasurable height, from the blessed bosom of the Father? Has He not been made visible to us? He is the immortal fire, did He not become incarnate for our sake? And did he not receive a beating in order to free us? What a miracle, full of fear and trembling, the mortal hand, made of earthly dust, gives an ear to the Creator of heaven and earth! And we are miserable and poor, earthly and mortal, we are ashes, we cannot even stand a word from each other. Did He not die for us, that He might give us life? Is He not buried to raise us up with Him? He freed us from the enemy by binding him and giving us the strength to advance on him. When we called upon Him, and He did not hear us? When they knocked on the door, and did not open it to us? And if He ever tarried, it was to increase our reward.

Why then hast thou renounced the world, beloved, if thou seekest still worldly pleasure, seeking clothing instead of nakedness, and drinking wine instead of thirst? You are called to battle, and you want to go out unarmed into battle with the enemy, instead of vigil sinking into sleep, instead of weeping and lamenting, giving yourself over to laughter, instead of loving hating your brother. You are called to submission, but you will rebuke. You are called to the inheritance of the Kingdom of God, but you think about earthly things, instead of humility and meekness, you show arrogance and pride.

So, what will you say to God on that day? Is it that "for Thy sake I humbled myself, became poor, was naked, hungered, thirsted, loving Thee with all my soul and my neighbor as myself"? Do you know that your words and thoughts are not recorded, that your conscience will be your helper, and if you lie, it will not convict you? Or do you not know that all creation will stand before the judgment seat of God with fear and great trembling, that thousands upon thousands and thousands of angels will be around Him? And you think to lie and say: "I have endured all this for Your sake." See that you do not suffer a heavy punishment for your evil deeds and for your lies. Sober up from sleep and come to yourself, shake off your thoughts, and behold, the day has already bowed.

Consider this also, brother; those brethren who yesterday were and conversed with us, are no longer with us today: they are called to their Lord and ours, so that each of them may show his purchase. Behold, see what yesterday is like, and what is today: as yesterday has passed away, like the morning blossom, so today is like the evening shadow. Consider and buy my own, and will it be successful according to God? Our days run like a walker. Blessed is he who from day to day gains great profit from his purchase, and gathers into eternal life. Why are you negligent, beloved? Why are you lazy? Why do you revel in despondency like wine? Why do you grieve in yourself? Do you intend to create a monastery for yourself in this age?

Imagine that two travelers, each of whom is going to his own house, meeting each other on the road, when evening overtook them, both stopped at the monastery to which they had reached, and at the onset of morning they parted from each other; each of them knows what is in his house, riches or poverty, peace or sorrow. The same thing happens to us in this age; for this life is like a monastery, from which, departing to our place, we are separated and know what lies ahead of us. For everyone is not unaware of what he sent to heaven, for example, a prayer of tears, or a pure vigil, or a contrite psalmody, or abstinence with humility, or renunciation of earthly things, or unfeigned love and devotion to Christ. If you have sent this, then be of good cheer; because you go to rest. And if you have not sent anything of the kind, then why do you annoy your neighbor in the monastery? For in the morning you will have to part with him. Why are you proud? Why do you behave arrogantly? What are you sad about? Do you want to carry the monastery itself on yourself? But why do you care about the clothes and outer garments, or about food? Does not he who gives food to the beasts (Psalm 146:9) nourish you, who praise Him? You, who are preparing to become an heir of His kingdom, take care of the clothes and outer garments? Thou who hast mortified thyself to the world, think of earthly things?

Why do you grieve the Physician, not wishing to be healed? Why do you hide your wounds during your healing, and blame the Physician for not healing you? Are you given time to repent, and you neglect repentance? Why then do you blame the Lawgiver for sending death upon you for your neglect? Will you say to death: "Give me time to repent?" Like a snare, that hour will come upon you, and then terror will envelop your mind, and you will ask yourself: "How have my days passed in my absent-mindedness? But what is the use of thinking about this at the time of death, when it is no longer permitted for you to remain any longer in this world?

Therefore, take heed with your mind these words, so that the words of the Lord may touch your ears, if only you believe Him; and He said that on that day we would give an answer also about idle words (Matt. 12:37). And this word of the Lord is sufficient, if our minds are sober. And whoever does not understand what is written and does not listen to what is read, is like a pipe that receives water and does not feel that water flows in it.

Посему кто не станет плакать, кто не будет скорбеть, кто не придет в ужас от того, что Владыка вселенной и Сам и чрез рабов Своих, Пророков и Апостолов, проповедует и вопиет, но нет послушающих? Что же проповедуется ими? "Брак готов, говорит Он, упитанная Моя исколена (Мф.22:4). Жених со славою и великолепием восседает в брачном чертоге и с радостью принимает приходящих, дверь отверста, слуги изъявляют свое усердие. Пока не затворена дверь, спешите войти; иначе, останетесь вне, и некому будет ввести вас туда". И нет разумевающего; никто не прилагает старания; леность и заботы века сего, подобно цепи, связали ум. Божественные Писания и списываем мы правильно, и читаем правильно, а правильно их выслушать не хотим; потому что не угодно нам исполнять то, что в них повелевается.

Кто ж отправлялся в дальний путь без дорожного запаса? как хочется нам, оставив запас свой здесь, ничего не брать с собою в дорогу? Блажен, кто с дерзновением отшел ко Господу, неся не скудный свой запас. Вот и десять дев спять, и рабы куплю деют (Лк.19:13), в ожидании Владыки своего, зная, что приял Он царство, и идет с силою и славою многою, увенчать рабов Своих, которые сотворили добрую куплю на серебро, какое получили от Него, и истребить врагов Своих, которые не хотят, чтобы Он царствовал над ними.

Но как среди ночи, когда род человеческий погружен в сон, внезапно бывает с неба великий шум, и ужасные громы, и страшные молнии с землетрясением, и спящие приходят вдруг в ужас, и каждый припоминает дела свои, и добрые и худые, и поступающие худо, возлежа на ложах своих, ударяют себя в грудь, потому что некуда бежать, негде скрыться, нет времени покаяться в делах своих; земля колеблется, громы устрашают, молнии приводят в робость, глубокая тьма окружает их: так в оный час, подобно самой быстрой молнии, внезапно ужасающей всю землю, страшно вострубит с неба труба, пробудит спящих, восставит от сна усопших от века: небеса сии и силы небесные подвигнутся (Мф.24:29), и вся земля, как вода в море, восколеблется от лица славы Его; потому что страшный огнь предъидет пред лицом Его, очищая землю от оскверняющих ее беззаконий; ад отверзет вечные врата свои, смерть будет упразднена, а согнившая персть естества человеческого, услышав трубный глас, оживотворится. Подлинно, чудное это зрелище - во мгновение ока во аде, подобно множеству рыб, клубящихся в море, бесчисленное множество костей человеческих ходят вокруг, и каждая отыскивает составы свои; все воскресшие взывают и говорят: "слава Собравшему и Воскресившему нас, по человеколюбию Своему!" Тогда праведные возрадуются и преподобные возвеселятся; совершенные подвижники утешены будут за труд подвига своего; мученики, Апостолы и Пророки увенчаются. Блажен, кто сподобится увидеть в оный час, как со славою восхищени будут на облацех в сретение бессмертного Жениха (1Сол.4:17) все возлюбившие Его и старавшиеся совершить всю волю Его. Как здесь возрастил каждый крыло свое, так там воспаряет в горняя: как здесь очистил каждый ум свой, так и там видит славу Его, и в какой мере возлюбил Его каждый, в такой насыщается любовью Его. Удивится в оный час и первый Адам, видя великое и страшное, как от него и супруги его произошли неисчислимые народы и множество родов; но еще больше дивясь тому, что происшедшие от одного естества и от одной твари, иные наследуют царство и рай, а другие ад, прославит он Создателя Бога: слава единому премудрому Богу!

Увы, увы, возлюбленные мои! Что мне делать от стыда в оный час, когда окружат меня знакомые мои, которые, видя меня в этом образе благочестия, ублажали меня, между тем как внутренно полон я был беззакония и нечистоты, и забывал испытующего сердца и утробы Господа. Там действительный стыд, и жалок, кто там будет постыжден. Щедротами Твоими заклинаю тебя, о Человеколюбивый и Благий, не поставь меня на левой сторон с преогорчившими Тебя козлищами, не скажи мне: не вем тя, но по благоутробию Своему дай мне непрестанные слезы, дай сокрушение и смирение сердцу моему и очисти его, чтобы соделалось храмом святой благодати Твоей. Ибо хотя я грешен и злочестив, однако же непрестанно ударяю в дверь Твою; хотя я ленив и нерадив; однако же вступил по крайней мере на путь Твой.

Блажен, кто сподобится ее; но жалок, кто лишится ее.